Protein Restricted Diet Paper

Protein Restricted Diet Paper


Teaching Project Guidelines:

Purpose: The purpose of the patient/family teaching project is to develop and implement a teaching plan for a geriatric patient utilizing teaching-learning principles.

Objectives: By the conclusion of the presentation, the students will be able to:
– State the various indications for a specified diet
– Explain the scientific rationale for a prescribed diet
– Describe food/fluid restrictions appropriate for diet or food/fluids encouraged to meet nutritional needs?
– Describe how to present a short nutritional teaching plan to a patient& family with cultural differences.
– Apply current research related to the nutrition topic.
– Utilize teaching experience rubric for essential criteria.
– The paper should be between 3-5 pages (not including title page and references).
– The paper must be typed and conform to APA format.
– A minimum of two references are required (EBSCOhost).


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Course: NURS 211L NUTRITONAL TEACHING PROJECT GUIDELINES & RUBRIC I. Teaching Guidelines Purpose: The purpose of the patient/family teaching project is to develop and implement a teaching plan for a geriatric patient utilizing teaching learning principles. Objectives: By the conclusion of the presentation, the students will be able to: 1. State the various indications for a specified diet 2. Explain the scientific rationale for a prescribed diet 3. Describe food/fluid restrictions appropriate for diet or food/fluids encouraged to meet nutritional needs? 4. Describe how to present a short nutritional teaching plan to a patient& family with cultural differences. 5. Apply current research related to the nutrition topic. Requirements: 1. Utilize teaching experience rubric for essential criteria. 2. The paper should be between 3-5 pages (not including title page and references). 3. The paper must be typed and conform to APA format. 4. A minimum of two references are required. 5. Written paper is due during the 7th week on the assigned clinical day Page 1 of 4 Course: NURS 211L NUTRITONAL TEACHING PROJECT GUIDELINES & RUBRIC II. Nutritional Guidelines The student will be assigned one therapeutic diet from the following list. 1. Diabetic diet 2. Fat restricted and cholesterol restricted 3. Enteral nutrition 4. Sodium restricted 5. Total parental nutrition 6. Modified fiber and bland diets 7. Full and clear liquid diets 8. Nutrition in wasting diseases 9. Modified calcium and potassium diets 10. Dysphagic diet 11. Protein restricted diet 12. Anticoagulant diet Follow the teaching/nutrition project evaluation tool criteria. Page 2 of 4 Course: NURS 211L NUTRITONAL TEACHING PROJECT GUIDELINES & RUBRIC NUTRITIONAL TEACHING PROJECT RUBRIC Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________Date: Topic: _____ Course: Start Time: _______End Time: Criteria 4 3 2 Vague and incomplete Vague and incomplete Comprehensive Clear and concise discussion of patient’s admission diagnosis, discussion of patient’s admission discussion of patient’s Assessment demographic data, and diagnosis, demographic data, admission diagnosis, anticipated learning needs; clear and anticipated learning needs; demographic data, and and comprehensive patient Vague and incomplete patient anticipated learning needs. assessment data to support a assessment data to support deficient knowledge nursing deficient knowledge nursing diagnosis. diagnosis. Patient Learning Clear and complete assessment of Incomplete assessment of Incomplete assessment of Needs learner (patient /family), teaching learner (patient and/or family), learner (patient and/or Assessment needs, and special learning needs, teaching needs, and special family), teaching needs, and if present; Clear identification of learning needs, if present; special learning needs, if patient’s strengths and Incomplete identification of present. weaknesses relevant to learning patient’s strengths and needs. weaknesses relevant to learning needs. Organization/ Open and closing remarks that Open or closing remarks Open or closing remarks Evidence-based capture patient’s attention; Clear displayed; Vague/incorrect displayed; Vague/ incorrect Information and correct statement of 2 teaching objectives; teaching objectives teaching objectives; Clear and Vague/disorganized organized presentation of presentation of evidence-based evidence-based patient teaching. patient teaching Organization/ Open and closing remarks that Open or closing remarks Open or closing remarks Evidence-based capture patient’s attention; Clear displayed; Vague/incorrect displayed; Vague/ incorrect and correct statement of 2 teaching objectives; teaching objectives Information teaching objectives; Clear and Vague/disorganized organized presentation of presentation of evidence-based evidence-based patient teaching patient teaching Page 3 of 4 1-0 No discussion of patient’s admission diagnosis, demographic data and anticipated learning needs; No comprehensive patient assessment data to support deficient knowledge. No assessment of learner (patient and/or family), teaching needs, and special learning needs, if present; No discussion of patient’s strengths and weaknesses relevant to learning needs No open or closing remarks displayed; No teaching objective stated; Poor or disorganized presentation of teaching from inappropriate sources. No open or closing remarks displayed; No teaching objective stated; Poor or disorganized presentation of teaching from inappropriate sources. Score Course: NURS 211L Protein Restricted Diet Paper
NUTRITONAL TEACHING PROJECT GUIDELINES & RUBRIC Criteria 4 3 2 Body Language Direct eye contact and appropriate gestures/movements during teaching; Relax selfconfident nature and no mistake during teaching. No eye contact and inappropriate gestures during teaching; Tension and nervousness obvious, trouble recovering from mistakes. Voice Monotone voice consistently. Teaching/ Learning Evaluation Minimal eye contact and little Minimal eye contact and little movement or descriptive movement or descriptive gesture during teaching; Mild gesture during teaching. tension, lack of self-confidence and difficulty recovering from mistakes. Use of clear speech and inflection Some level of inflection and Monotone voice with some maintains the interest of the clarity during delivery. inflection of delivery learner. Clear/appropriate evaluation of Vague/inappropriate evaluation Vague/inappropriate evaluation of patient’s patient’s response and of patient’s response and effectiveness/ineffective ness of effectiveness/ ineffectiveness of response and effectiveness/ ineffectiveness of teaching. teaching; Protein Restricted Diet Paper
Reflective analysis of teaching; Vague reflective teaching including discussion of analysis of teaching including strengths and weaknesses. discussion of strengths and weaknesses. 1-0 Totals Vague/inappropriate evaluation of patient’s response and effectiveness/ ineffectiveness of teaching; Vague reflective analysis of teaching including discussion of strengths and weaknesses; Absent reflective analysis of teaching. /28 COMMENTS: STUDENT SIGNATURE: ____ DATE: INSTRUCTOR SIGNATURE: ___ DATE: Page 4 of 4 Score Teaching Project Guidelines • • • Purpose: The purpose of the patient/family teaching project is to develop and implement a teaching plan for a geriatric patient utilizing teaching learning principles. Objectives: By the conclusion of the presentation, the students will be able to: o State the various indications for a specified diet o Explain the scientific rationale for a prescribed diet o Describe food/fluid restrictions appropriate for diet or food/fluids encouraged to meet nutritional needs? o Describe how to present a short nutritional teaching plan to a patient& family with cultural differences. o Apply current research related to the nutrition topic. Requirements: o Utilize teaching experience rubric for essential criteria. o The paper should be between 3-5 pages (not including title page and references). Protein Restricted Diet Paper
o The paper must be typed and conform to APA format. o A minimum of two references are required. o Written paper is due during the 7th week on the assigned clinical day. Nutritional Guidelines The student will be assigned one therapeutic diet from the following list. 1. Diabetic diet 2. Fat restricted and cholesterol restricted 3. Enteral nutrition 4. Sodium restricted 5. Total parental nutrition 6. Modified fiber and bland diets 7. Full and clear liquid diets 8. Nutrition in wasting diseases 9. Modified calcium and potassium diets 10. Dysphagic diet 11. Protein restricted diet 12. Anticoagulant diet Follow the teaching/nutrition project evaluation tool criteria. …Protein Restricted Diet Paper