HW Clinical decision support systems

HW Clinical decision support systems

HW Clinical decision support systems

Use a template to create a 3-4-page proposal that addresses a technology change in an organization.

One benefit of an integrated electronic health record (EHR) is the ability to extract information as needed. Clinical reminders and alerts are two examples of the output from technology designed to support or build clinical decisions. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research andQuality (n.d., para. 5):

Computer-based clinical decision support systems (CDSS) are broadly defined as systems that provide clinicians with clinical knowledge to enhance patient care and patient safety. Individualized, intelligently filteredinformation is provided to health care providers or patients at predetermined times or on demand.

For instance, a patient is seen in the primary care office, and at check-in, the office nurse logs into the patient’s health record. Immediately a note pops up to remind the staff to update the medication profile at this visit. Another alert signals that it is time for an annual eye exam.


In another room in the clinic, a patient’s blood pressure is measured on a digital device, and the results are wirelessly transmitted to the patient’s database. The health assistant no longer has to write the value down, locate the paper chart, and record the value on the correct graph. By the time the nurse practitioner enters the exam room, the data is available for review, complete with a digital note that a refill is needed for the antihypertensive medication. When technology integrates seamlessly with the provider’s workflow, health care becomes more efficient, safe, and satisfying.

While effective clinical decision support systems can streamline patient care, the adoption of such systems can be troublesome. A robust EHR, approved clinical algorithms, and a supportive infrastructure must all be in place. Furthermore, alerts and alarms are only effective when providers pay attention to the message.

For this assessment, you will build on the content from previous assessmentsas you apply knowledge about data integrity and privacy issues to the selection and evaluation of patient care technology. As a DNP-prepared leader, you must be able to effectively collaborate with stakeholders to define the specifications for new patient care technology for the clinical setting. This will help prepare you to participate in the thoughtful selection of technology to enhance safe patient experiences.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

· Competency 1: Defend the selection of a technology to meet the needs of a health care organization.

. Identify appropriate standards and specifications criteria for selecting new health information technology.

. Compare health information technologies based on appropriate selection criteria.

· Competency 2: Evaluate technology and its effect within a health care organization.

. Predict the positive and negative effects of new technology on patient-centered workflow.

. Forecast the longevity and future relevance of new health care technology.

· Competency 3: Evaluate and solve ethical and legal issues relating to health care technology.

. Explain the legal and ethical issues related to the effects of new technology on current practices.

. Explain how external and internal stakeholders can influence plans for changes in health care practice settings and complex health care delivery systems.

· Competency 4: Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

. Address the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology.


Agency for Healthcare Research andQuality. (n.d.). Clinical decision support (CDS). Retrieved from https://healthit.ahrq.gov/ahrq-funded-projects/current-health-it-priorities/clinical-decision-support-cds

You should complete this assessment second.

A change proposal, based on a needs analysis, is the next step toward the integration of new or updated technology. DNP-prepared leaders must be equipped to participate in the thoughtful selection of technology to enhance safe patient experiences.

In this assessment, you will have the opportunity to develop a technology change proposal informed by the needs analysis you completed for Assessment 1.


Develop a technology change proposal, for executive leaders in your organization, informed by the needs analysis you conducted in Assessment 1.

Before you begin writing your proposal, be sure to note the requirements below for document format and length and for citing supporting evidence. Your proposal should include the following basic information:

· The problem, goal, or need for change.

· The desired outcome.

· The proposed solution.

· The positive and negative effects of the new technology.

· The action or decisions you need from executive leaders.