Concepts and Theory in Nursing

Concepts and Theory in Nursing


CriteriaDoes Not Meet Expectations

Approaches Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Theory 1 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described.


25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described.

/ 25

Theory 1 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed. Concepts and Theory in Nursing

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion.

/ 25

Theory 2 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described.


25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described.

/ 25

Theory 2 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion.

/ 25

Theory 3 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described.


25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described.

/ 25

Theory 3 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion.

/ 25

Theory 4 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described.


25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described.

/ 25

Theory 4 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion.

/ 25

Theory 5 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described.


25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described.

/ 25

Theory 5 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion.

/ 25

Theory 6 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described.


25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described.

/ 25

Theory 6 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion.

/ 25

Theory 7 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described.


25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described.

/ 25

Theory 7 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion.

/ 25

Theory 8 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described.


25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described.

/ 25

Theory 8 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion.

/ 25

Presentation Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Unattractive; difficult to interpret; poor color choice and slide contrast; slide presentation unorganized; slide effects detract from the content; missing slide headings or sub-headings (if required for organization purposes); missing title/reference slides.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Attractive but somewhat difficult to interpret; somewhat pleasing contrast between text and background, slide presentation may be somewhat disorganized; transitions and slide effects detract from the content; may be missing title or reference slides; included slide headings/sub-headings may detract from presentation.

7.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Attractive; easy to interpret, pleasing colors with strong contrast between text and background, slide presentation organized, good use of transitions and slide effects which enhance the presentation; both title and reference slides are present. Slide headings/sub-headings are used appropriately to organize the presentation.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Excellent use of transitions and effects that enhance the presentation. Presentation is organized and designed for maximum impact of content.

/ 25

Use of Multimedia, Graphics, Diagrams, and/or Illustrations Weight: 10%

0 points

(0 – 29 pts)

Does not include required multimedia, graphics, diagrams, and/or illustrations or they are irrelevant to topic or detract from slide content or presentation as a whole.

30 points

(30 – 34 pts)

Required multimedia, graphics, diagrams, and/or illustrations are generally relevant but some may not appropriately support the slide content.

35 points

(35 – 44 pts)

Required multimedia, graphics, diagrams, and/or illustrations are highly relevant and acceptably support the slide content; sized and positioned appropriately.

50 points

(45 – 50 pts)

Required multimedia, graphics, diagrams, and/or illustrations add clarity and sophistication to the presentation content; they improve the effectiveness of the presentation.


/ 50

Writing, Mechanics, and APA Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Style is inappropriate or does not address given audience, purpose, etc. Inconsistent grammar, spelling, and punctuation; APA format and style are not evident throughout the presentation.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Style is somewhat appropriate to given audience and purpose. Repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language, sentence structure, and/or word choice are present. There are missing APA elements or some are incorrectly formatted throughout the presentation.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Style is appropriate to the given audience and purpose. Word choice is specific and purposeful, and somewhat varied throughout. Minimal mechanical or typographical errors are present, but are not overly distracting. Reference slide and in-text citations have few formatting errors.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Style shows originality and creativity. Word choice is dynamic and varied. Free of mechanical and typographical errors. Reference slide and other in-text citations are formatted correctly using APA elements.

/ 25

Signature Assignment Title: Theory Overview

Signature Assignment Description/Directions:


This week, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation reviewing the theories from each module. Please select one theory from each module (1-8) and answer the following questions. You should have two slides per theory:

  • Describe the theory
  • Provide 3 examples of how the theory applies to current practice
  • Provide 3 positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing the theory
  • Explain 3 benefits to nursing satisfaction when utilizing the theory
  • Describe two barriers to using the theory in practice and at least one method for overcoming each barrier (support methods with sources)
  • Support from literature clearly noted throughout

The PowerPoint presentation should include at least two outside references and the textbook. The presentation should contain 2 to 4 slides per theory, for a total of 16 to 32 slides.

Module 1: Florence Nightingale theory Module 2: Peplau, Henderson theory, orem

Module 3: Johnson, Orlando and 1950s and 190s theory . Module 4: King and Rogers theory

module 5: Roy, Neuman and 1970s theory Concepts and Theory in Nursing

Module 6: Leininger, Newman, and Watson theory Module 7: Parse, Erickson, and Tomlin & Swain


Module 8: Theories of the 1980’s and 1990’s

When you are ready to submit your work, do the following:

1. If you don’t see “Submissions” below, find the Dropbox submission for this Module.
2. When you submit your assignment it goes through Turnitin, a plagiarism software, to be sure that your work is less than 20% duplicated from other sources unless otherwise noted. Take the time to correct it so the report verifying your work is less than 20% or as required by your instructor. You may edit your paper and resubmit it up to three times or per your instructor’s directions.
3. Submit your assignment by dragging the file into the Dropbox on top of the “Drop files here” or click on the Upload button, navigate to the file, and upload it.
4. Be sure to use the appropriate naming convention on your paper.
Example: J.Smith-540-1.docx
Originality Check®
Originality Check® enabled


Does Not Meet Expectations

Approaches Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Theory 1 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described.

/ 25

Theory 1 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed. Concepts and Theory in Nursing

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion.

/ 25

Theory 2 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described.

/ 25

Theory 2 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion.

/ 25

Theory 3 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described.

/ 25

Theory 3 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion.

/ 25

Theory 4 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described.

/ 25

Theory 4 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion.

/ 25

Theory 5 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described. Concepts and Theory in Nursing

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described.

/ 25

Theory 5 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion.

/ 25

Theory 6 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes. Concepts and Theory in Nursing

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described.

/ 25

Theory 6 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented. Concepts and Theory in Nursing

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion.

/ 25

Theory 7 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5% Concepts and Theory in Nursing

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described. Concepts and Theory in Nursing

/ 25

Theory 7 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion. Concepts and Theory in Nursing

/ 25

Theory 8 – Application to Current Practice and Patient Outcomes Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Theory not explained and not related to current practice. No discussion of patient outcomes.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Theory not fully explained and/or unclear application to current practice. Specific patient outcomes not described.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Theory explained and applied to current practice. One or two specific patient outcomes described. Concepts and Theory in Nursing

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Theory thoroughly explained with three clear applications to current practice. Three or more specific patient outcomes described.

/ 25

Theory 8 – Nursing Satisfaction, Barriers, and Methods of Overcoming Barriers Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Missing discussion of nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Barriers to implementation and methods for overcoming those barriers not presented.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Nursing satisfaction in relationship to application of the theory in practice not clear. Barriers to implementation described, but no clear method for overcoming the barriers presented.

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Nursing satisfaction discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. At least one specific barrier to implementation described. Methods for overcoming barrier discussed. Concepts and Theory in Nursing

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Three nursing satisfactions thoroughly discussed in relationship to application of the theory in practice. Two or more specific barriers to implementation described with a method for overcoming each fully discussed. Extensive support from the literature noted within theory discussion.

/ 25

Presentation Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Unattractive; difficult to interpret; poor color choice and slide contrast; slide presentation unorganized; slide effects detract from the content; missing slide headings or sub-headings (if required for organization purposes); missing title/reference slides. Concepts and Theory in Nursing

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Attractive but somewhat difficult to interpret; somewhat pleasing contrast between text and background, slide presentation may be somewhat disorganized; transitions and slide effects detract from the content; may be missing title or reference slides; included slide headings/sub-headings may detract from presentation.

7.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Attractive; easy to interpret, pleasing colors with strong contrast between text and background, slide presentation organized, good use of transitions and slide effects which enhance the presentation; both title and reference slides are present. Slide headings/sub-headings are used appropriately to organize the presentation.

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Excellent use of transitions and effects that enhance the presentation. Presentation is organized and designed for maximum impact of content.

/ 25

Use of Multimedia, Graphics, Diagrams, and/or Illustrations Weight: 10%

0 points

(0 – 29 pts)

Does not include required multimedia, graphics, diagrams, and/or illustrations or they are irrelevant to topic or detract from slide content or presentation as a whole.

30 points

(30 – 34 pts)

Required multimedia, graphics, diagrams, and/or illustrations are generally relevant but some may not appropriately support the slide content.

35 points

(35 – 44 pts)

Required multimedia, graphics, diagrams, and/or illustrations are highly relevant and acceptably support the slide content; sized and positioned appropriately.

50 points

(45 – 50 pts)

Required multimedia, graphics, diagrams, and/or illustrations add clarity and sophistication to the presentation content; they improve the effectiveness of the presentation.

/ 50

Writing, Mechanics, and APA Weight: 5%

0 points

(0 – 14 pts)

Style is inappropriate or does not address given audience, purpose, etc. Inconsistent grammar, spelling, and punctuation; APA format and style are not evident throughout the presentation.

15 points

(15 – 17 pts)

Style is somewhat appropriate to given audience and purpose. Repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language, sentence structure, and/or word choice are present. There are missing APA elements or some are incorrectly formatted throughout the presentation. Concepts and Theory in Nursing

17.5 points

(17.5 – 22 pts)

Style is appropriate to the given audience and purpose. Word choice is specific and purposeful, and somewhat varied throughout. Minimal mechanical or typographical errors are present, but are not overly distracting. Reference slide and in-text citations have few formatting errors. Concepts and Theory in Nursing

25 points

(22.5 – 25 pts)

Style shows originality and creativity. Word choice is dynamic and varied. Free of mechanical and typographical errors. Reference slide and other in-text citations are formatted correctly using APA elements.

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