Acupunture And Massage Therapies Discussion

Acupunture And Massage Therapies Discussion

Acupunture And Massage Therapies Discussion

Massage and Pressure Point Therapies.

Book: Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Nursing Practice (4th Edition)

ISBN-13: 9780133346503/ ISBN-10: 0133346501

Author: Karen Lee Fontaine RN MSN. Edition: 4

Publisher: Prentice Hall

Published: January 2014

Answer these 4 Question(s):

1. Discuss Acupuncture (How acupuncture works?).

2. What are the benefits of acupuncture? Is there any research study that support the evidence of acupuncture value? (Explain your answer / Examples).

3. Have you ever used acupuncture? Discuss your experience.

4. Provide at least 3 benefits of acupuncture.



The answer should be based on the knowledge obtained from reading the book attached in a word document (only the last part of the question is your opinion). If there are 4 questions in the discussion, you must answer all of them.

Remember, the internet may not have accurate information. Sometimes, part of the question may ask for your opinion. In this case, you give your opinion based on the knowledge obtained from studying the corresponding chapter.

• I am expecting to answer the question and justified it based on peer review literature or information in your book.

• I am expecting at least three paragraphs with five sentences in each paragraph (minimum of 400 words).

• APA style will be strictly enforced.

• If other References are used in addition to the book must have:

· Serial/journal articles

· Volume number, in italics.

· Issue number. This is bracketed immediately after the volume number but not italicized. Month, season or other designation of publication if there is no volume or issue number.

· Include all page numbers. Ex: 7(1),24 Sergiev, P. V., Dontsova, O. A., & Berezkin, G. V. (2015).


Acupuncture, acupressure, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Jin Shin Do, and reflexology are different forms of the same practice of stimulating points on the body to balance the body’s life energy. Jin Shin Jyutsu, Jin Shin Do, and reflexology are forms of acupressure, and in this chapter the term acupressure includes all the forms. Acupuncture and acupressure are based on the theory that applying pressure or stimulation to specific points on the body, known as acupuncture points, can relieve pain, cure certain illnesses, and promote wellness. Acupuncture uses needles, whereas acupressure uses finger pressure. Although the older of the two techniques, acupressure is not as powerful and could be considered the over-the-counter version of acupuncture. Acupressure is easy to learn and convenient for self-care, whereas acupuncture requires training to use the needles. Frequently, these practices are part of a holistic approach to wellness and are combined with diet, herbs, massage, mind–body techniques, and spiritual therapies. Used with great success on humans for thousands of years, acupuncture and acupressure are now available for cats, dogs, and horses through veterinarians trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupunture And Massage Therapies Discussion


Acupuncture and acupressure started in China several thousand years ago. The practice spread to Korea around 300 a.d. and to Japan and Europe in the 17th century. In the late 19th century, a Canadian physician, Sir William Osler, became interested in acupressure techniques, but they remained largely unknown in North America until the 1970s. Accompanying President Richard Nixon on his trip to China in 1972, James Reston, a reporter for the New York Times, wrote about his experience with acupuncture for relief of pain following abdominal surgery in China. This article began the upsurge of interest in these therapies in the United States. At the present time, acupuncture and acupressure are practiced widely in Asia, the former Soviet Union, and Europe and are gaining in popularity in North America (Hunts, 2012).

Jin Shin Jyutsu (pronounced “jin-shin, jit-soo”) and Jin Shin Do are Japanese phrases meaning “the way of the compassionate spirit.” They are ancient practices that fell into relative obscurity until they were dramatically revived in the early 1900s by Master Jiro Murai in Japan. Dying from a termi- nal illness, he turned in desperation to Jin Shin Jyutsu and meditation. Within a week, he was completely well. He spent the remaining 50 years of his life researching and sharing his knowledge of this healing art, which he referred to as the art of happiness, the art of longevity, and the art of benevolence. After World War II, a Japanese American, Mary Burmeister, studied with Master Murai for many years and eventually returned to the United States with the “gift” of Jin Shin Jyutsu and Jin Shin Do. Today, thousands of students throughout the United States and around the world study and practice Jin Shin Jyutsu and Jin Shin Do (Waldeck, 2011).

Reflexology, an associated ancient practice, limits the use of acupressure points, or reflexes, to the feet, hands, and ears. William Fitzgerald, an Ameri- can physician, introduced reflexology to the West in 1913. He noted that there was less postoperative pain when pressure was applied to people’s feet and hands just before surgery. In spite of Fitzgerald’s work, it was the efforts of Eunice Ingham, a physical therapist, who expanded and refined Fitzgerald’s observations and found that reflexology not only reduced pain but provided other health benefits as well. Ingham mapped the specific reflex zones on the feet, hands, and ears that reflexologists use today. This work gave her the distinction of being the founder of modern reflexology in the West (Keet, 2009). Acupunture And Massage Therapies Discussion

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