Eric M

Eric M

Nursing education – self starters

Nursing education – self starters ORDER CUSTOM, PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPERS ON Nursing education – self starters Students who have had experience inside the home with self-directed behaviors, those with extensive exposure to technology, and those who have been taught skills in…

Nursing Research Proposal

Nursing Research Proposal ORDER CUSTOM, PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPERS ON Nursing Research Proposal Research Proposal Draft By Monday, January 9, 2017, write a 2–3-page paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal. Methodology Extraneous Variables (and plan for how controlled). Instruments: Description,…

Disorders of the Bladder and Lower Urinary Tract

Disorders of the Bladder and Lower Urinary Tract ORDER CUSTOM, PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPERS ON Disorders of the Bladder and Lower Urinary Tract Question: Develop cooperative relationships with clients when teaching concepts concerning pathological states to individuals and families Select one of…

Nursing Technology

Nursing Technology ORDER CUSTOM, PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPERS ON Nursing Technology Please be sure to answer the questions that are underlined!!! APA format, 3-4 pages, references must be less than 5 years old. Do you need to be able to have access…

Nursing Discussion Question

Nursing Discussion Question ORDER CUSTOM, PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPERS ON Nursing Discussion Question What is the difference between a group “at risk” for poor health and a group considered a “vulnerable” population? Provide an example of a group at risk and a…

BSN Nursing questions

BSN Nursing questions ORDER CUSTOM, PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPERS ON BSN Nursing questions 3. What inferential data analysis procedures were used to address each research question or hypothesis in the study? Were the best methods of analysis used given the level of…

Strategies of cultural competence

 Strategies of cultural competence ORDER CUSTOM, PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPERS ON Strategies of cultural competence How can community health nurses apply the strategies of cultural competence to their practice? Provide at least one example from each of the following four strategies: cultural…

Nursing Statistics Problem

Nursing Statistics Problem ORDER CUSTOM, PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPERS ON Nursing Statistics Problem Please see the attached pdf’s for question. It is out from a text book. so i have made a pdf section pretaining to the specific problems. what needs to…

Qualitative research

Qualitative research ORDER CUSTOM, PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPERS ON Qualitative research The three types of qualitative research are phenomenological, grounded theory, and ethnographic research. What are the differences and similarities between two of the three types of studies? Reply You must proofread…

Nursing article

Nursing article ORDER CUSTOM, PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPERS ON Nursing article I’m studying for my Health & Medical class and need an explanation.   Please help me find 2 nursing articles about motor vehicle accident trauma You must proofread your paper. But…