Course Definition and Alignment Table

Course Definition and Alignment Table

ORDER CUSTOM, PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPERS HERE Course Definition and Alignment Table

Construct a 1–2-page course definition with an accompanying alignment table for a nursing education course using a topic of your choice. Include a 1–2-page memo to a department supervisor that contains a rationale for the assessment and evaluation strategies you plan to use in the course.

Whenever you begin the process of designing a course, it is important to begin with the end in mind. Assessment and evaluation strategies are key elements of the design process.

  • How will the course fit in with a larger organizational outcome or continuing educational requirement?
  • What do you want your learners to know or do after they have completed the course?
  • How will you determine whether your learners have met your learning objectives?

Program outcomes and learning objectives create a framework to help you determine the learning activities and the types of assessment that will best tell you whether your objective has been met.

Assessment Instructions

Note: The assessments in this course build upon one another and you are required to complete them in the order in which they are presented.


Imagine that you are a nurse educator in a local organization. You have been asked to create a new course for your nurse education program. You have been given latitude to select both the topic and the nurse population.

Your supervisor would like you to create a course definition document that includes the following elements:

  • A course title and course description.
  • The learning objectives.
  • The related program description and program outcomes.
  • Alignment of the external standards or regulatory guidelines that pertain to the educational program offering.

This year, the department is asking all nurse educators to pay particular attention to how the evaluation and assessment design of courses help ensure that both learning and program outcomes will be met.

In addition, leadership has recognized the importance of evidenced-based practice and standards of care. To that end, at least one external national nursing standard should be aligned with the objectives for your assignment.


Identify a specific health care issue, setting, and learner audience.

Your course definition should consist of the following:

  • Course description, vision, and rationale.
  • The course learning objectives.
  • A description of the program offering.
  • The program outcomes.

Use a table to show alignment of assessment and evaluation strategies. Include the following in your table:

  • Examples of assessment and evaluation tasks/assignments.
  • Alignment of learning objectives to program outcomes.
  • Alignment of program outcomes to external standards.

You may use (but are not required) the Course Definition and Alignment Table Template, linked in the Resources under the Capella Resources heading.


Return to the scenario above. Compose a short (1–2 pages) memo to the department supervisor that introduces your course and supports the academic rationale behind your design.

Your memo should contain the following:

  • A brief description of the specific nurse educational setting
  • Title of the proposed course.
  • A researched rationale that explains:
    • Your assessment of why the course is needed and how the course supports the program offering.
    • A brief description of the academic reasoning behind your evaluation design strategy.
  • At least three relevant scholarly sources that support your rationale.Course Definition and Alignment Table
  • Recommendation for next steps.


Follow the Assessment Formatting Guidelines, linked in the Resources under the Required Resources heading. In addition, your assessment should meet the following requirements:

  • APA format: Use correct APA style and formatting for the rationale, paying particular attention to citations and references.
  • References: Include at least three peer-reviewed scholarly resources from the last 5 years.Course Definition and Alignment Table
  • Length:
    • Course definition: 1–2 pages (not including cover page and reference list).
    • Memo to supervisor: 1–2 pages.
    • Alignment table: No page limit.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Compile your course definition, memo, and alignment table into one document before submitting


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Running head: ABBREVIATED TITLE OF YOUR ASSESSMENT Your Full Title of Your Assessment Learner’s Full Name Capella University Course Title Assignment Title Month, Year 1 ABBREVIATED TITLE OF YOUR ASSESSMENT Assessment Body (Create a Title) This section is the body of your assessment, written in the format described in the assessment instructions. Assessment Formatting Guidelines •
Cover Page: A cover page is required as the first page in all submissions of assessments to the courseroom. The easiest way to do that is to add a page to the body of your assessment and format it as shown in this document. • Page Headers: Include headers for each section of your document. • Assessment Body: The format of the body of your assessment is subject to the instructions given in the specific assessment instructions.
• APA Reference Lists: Format all reference lists using APA style guidelines. Lists begin on a separate page from the assessment body. MS Word Tutorials Refer to Microsoft Office Software tutorials if you need assistance in formatting documents. 2 ABBREVIATED TITLE OF YOUR ASSESSMENT References Provide your supporting references using APA citation style. American Psychological Association. (2010a). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. 3 …Course Definition and Alignment Table