Demonstration of Proficiency Population

Demonstration of Proficiency Population

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For this assessment, your ePortfolio will focus on showcasing your growth and accomplishments in the context of the following course competencies:
• Competency 1: Lead people and processes to improve patient, systems, and population outcomes. • Competency 3: Transform processes to improve quality, enhance patient safety, and reduce the cost of care. • Competency 6: Collaborate interprofessionally to improve patient and population outcomes. • Competency 8: Integrate professional standards and values into practice.
For each competency, complete the following in your ePortfolio:
• Create an area in your ePortfolio for the competency and label it with the course competency number or the competency language. • Select the two artifacts (assessments) that you feel best showcase your accomplishments or growth relative to the competency and place them in the corresponding ePortfolio area. • For each competency, write 2–3 paragraphs detailing the ways in the artifacts illustrate your accomplishments or growth in the competency so reviewers can easily understand your achievements and strengths. Place this in the corresponding ePortfolio area with your chosen artifacts.
For the Competency 8 section of your ePortfolio, include a professional resume that highlights your professional standards and values. Consult the resources in the Capella University Career Center, such as the Capella Career Center: Resume Rubric.
Please study the scoring guide carefully so you will know what is needed for a distinguished score:
• Explain how at least two chosen artifacts illustrate personal growth and achievements in the area of leading people and processes to improve patient, systems, and population outcomes.
• Explain how at least two chosen artifacts illustrate personal growth and achievements in the area of leading people and processes to improve patient, systems, and population outcomes. • Explain how at least two chosen artifacts illustrate personal growth and achievements in the area of transforming processes to improve quality, enhance patient safety, and reduce the cost of care • Explain how at least two chosen artifacts illustrate personal growth and achievements in interprofessional collaboration to improve patient and population outcomes. • Explain how at last two chosen artifacts and a professional resume illustrate personal growth and achievements in the area of integrating professional standards and values into practice. • Communicate ePortfolio in a clear and well-organized manner, using correct grammar and spelling.

Running head: PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION Protected Health Information (Phi): Privacy, Security and Confidentiality Best Practices Irasema Betancourt Capella University October 3,2019 1 PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION 2 Confidentiality of patient’s data is paramount in healthcare practices. Information pertaining to the patient requires to be stored in a manner that only accredited physician can have access to it. Therefore, handling this information requires safety and security that ensures maximum protection. Otherwise, the confidential information may fall into bad hands where the patients’ image may be damaged by the unwarranted individuals. To ensure the safety of patients’ data, several laws have been made by the department of health. These laws pertain to the use of technology in collecting, transferring and storing data by the use of technology. Therefore, there are guidelines that control the healthcare workers in the use technology from computers to their mobile phones while handling patients’ information. One of the laws that have been put in place in protecting patients’ information is the Health Insurance and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 (Agris & Spandorfer, 2016). This law has two main obligations which are: to continue providing workers with health insurance even when they change their work or lose their jobs and managing the electronic transactions of healthcare information. This law provides the healthcare workers with the role of being accountable whenever they handle the information related to the patient, from their financial issues to their health details. The other confidentiality laws are contained in the NASW ethical standards. These laws are a list of ethical considerations that must be adhered to by clinical social workers when handling patients’ information. They require to maintain maximum confidentiality, transparency and accountability when transacting on the information relating to the clients. Safeguarding sensitive electronic health information calls for interdisciplinary collaboration.Demonstration of Proficiency Population Outcomes Paper

That is a collaboration between and among different disciplines in ensuring the safety of clients’ data. For example, the data collection center in a hospital will require to PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION 3 collaborate with physicians specialized in mental illnesses and disorders. However, these two groups cannot work on their own. They will require software experts who ensure that the electronic devices used in storing data are safe from internal and external leakages (Piras, 2019). For the internal leakages, the software developers and computer experts ensure that the electronic devices that are used in recording, transmitting and storing individual’s healthcare data cannot be accessed by anyone else except the team of physicians that are attached to the patient. This can be done by installing passwords on computers that cannot be cracked by a third party. Also, external leakages of patients’ information can be minimized by ensuring that electronic devices in use have maximum securing, and third party agents cannot use computer virus to access the information. Also, computer servers will be checked regularly to keep off third parties from accessing this information. The use of technology can bring a lot of harm to the client if the data are not well controlled. Research has shown that some healthcare workers who use electronic devices such as mobile phones sometimes breach the HIPAA and NASW guidelines as far as client information is concerned (Guadarrama, 2018). Android mobile phones contain social media applications such as Facebook and Twitter that has been found to be a major route through which clients information is released to the undesired parties. As nurses and other healthcare providers use these social platforms, they may take pictures and videos of themselves and the patients and upload them on their social platform pages. This has been found as a major risk on patient’s confidentiality. Therefore, these healthcare workers are advised to avoid this practice especially when duty. Exposing patients’ data can be avoided if stakeholders can be regularly educated and updated on mitigation measures. Human beings sometimes do forget, but if reminded they take PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION 4 the correct measures. One of the precautions that can be taken is reminding healthcare workers to leave their mobile phones at a set aside place while on duty (Krisby, 2018). This measure will reduce their chances of using their devices in taking photos and videos with the patient. Also, healthcare institutions require to have a computer and software technicians whose duty will be examining technological tools beings used by physicians when delivering their services to the patients. This measure will be important in ensuring that patients’ data is safe from exposure to unwarranted environments. PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION 5 References Agris, J. L., & Spandorfer, J. M. (2016). HIPAA Compliance and Training: A Perfect Storm for Professionalism Education? Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 44(4), 652–656. Guadarrama, A. (2018). Mind the Gap: Addressing Gaps in Hipaa Coverage in the Mobile Health Apps Industry. Houston Law Review, 55(4), 999–1025. Retrieved from t-live Krisby, R. M. (2018). Health Care Held Ransom: Modifications to Data Breach Security & the Future of Health Care Privacy Protection. Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine, 28, 365–401. Retrieved from t-live Piras, E. M. (2019). Beyond self-tracking: Exploring and unpacking four emerging labels of patient data work. Health Informatics Journal, 25(3), 598–607. Running head: TRANSCRIPT 1 Transcript: Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators Irasema Betancourt Capella University October 29, 2019 TRANSCRIPT 2 Transcript: Role of NDNQI in Improving Quality and Safety in Healthcare Hello Everyone! Welcome to Gateway Hospital Healthcare System. My name is irasema Betancourt and I work as a nurse in this healthcare facility for the last two years. We, the healthcare staff in Gateway hospital, are excited to welcome you on our nursing team. Nursing is a noble career, and it is the glue that holds the healthcare journey of a patient. Today, I am here to take you through how our healthcare system utilizes Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators, also known as NDNQI, to improve quality care outcomes, establish best practices, enhance training procedures and promote patient satisfaction. Notably, NDNQI assists in creating a workflow and plays a critical role in the recruitment and retention of quality staff. Mainly, I will focus on how NDNQI plays a critical role in enhancing patient outcomes. Also, I will take you through on NDNQI’s data collection, dissemination and the role you (nurses) play to support accurate reporting and high-quality results. The NDNQI is a voluntary national nursing database of single quality indicators that affect nursing care directly. Gateway Hospital is one of the 11000 facilities in the United States that provide data to NDNQI, playing the vital role of advancing knowledge base to assess and improve patient care. According to Sim, Joyce-McCoach, Gordon and Kobel, (2019), after NDNQI receives the data from member healthcare facilities, it processes the data and releases annual and quarterly reports of the three leading indicators that evaluate nursing care. The three nursing indicators are a structure (staff competency), process (nursing intervention, patient assessment, and job satisfaction) and patient care outcomes due to the quality and quantity of nursing care. I know you are eager to know who owns and runs NDNQI. Well, today, NDNQI is managed by Press Ganey. To collect the required data, the company sends surveys to the healthcare facilities. In Gateway hospital, nurses are required to ensure they check their emails every day for any surveys, fill inappropriately, if any, and send in time to the database.Demonstration of Proficiency Population Outcomes Paper

The data that we send is analyzed to establish the state and nature of our operations. It points out the areas we need to improve on to enhance patient safety, patient care outcomes and compare our performance to the national data. As Cupit, Stout-Aguilar, Cannon and Norton (2019) explain, the NDNQI data enables the nursing leadership and nurses to reflect and evaluate their performances depending on the patient outcomes. Gateway hospital uses the reports from NDNQI to establish our goals for improvement at the department level. Any slight improvement is marked as progress in the improvement of patient care and the general working environment. Still, the information assists us to reduce complications that would otherwise prove costly. So, how relevant is NDNQI to us (nurses)? Well, you are all aware that the Nurse’s Code of Ethics requires us to provide a high standard level of quality care. It is our ethical responsibility to ensure our patients are safe and long before the quality of care became an issue of national interest, nurses had recognized and expressed concerns on the ineffective healthcare system that was affecting the quality of care and the safety of the patients. Therefore, NDNQI is a blessing to us since it plays a critical role in solving our concerns. Our patients are now safe, more than ever, and we proudly provide quality healthcare to them. In the course of discharging our duties, we need to consider the quality of nursing care carefully. Though there are various measures of quality of care, safety is one of the minimal standards of providing quality healthcare. According to Dempsey and Assi (2018), safety is one TRANSCRIPT 3 of the six primary dimensions of quality: effectiveness, safety, timelessness, patientcenteredness, equity and efficiency. Typically, in nursing, quality of healthcare is dependent on the patient’s safety outcomes. As such, you will find out that the data that NDNQI requires us to submit focuses on each unit level in Gateway hospital. In our hospital, nurses are distributed in various units such as adult critical care units, operating rooms, receiving bay and pediatric wards. Each of these units submits data to NDNQI since the database classifies units by unit type and patient population. Let me share with you an example on how NDNQI’s data has improved patient safety in our facility. The number of patients falling while admitted in the hospital beds had been a safety concern for nurses. However, there was no recorded data on the issue, making it difficult for healthcare management to focus on it objectively. Fortunately, when the hospital joined NDNQI, we started submitting the data on the rate of Injury Falls in the hospital. The effectiveness of NDNQI was felt as the management effectively compared the number of falls over time to measure if care was improving. As Garrard et al., (2016), explain, fall and fall-related injury rates are a direct measure of how a health facility has succeeded in increasing safety among its patients. As such, the management realized that even after taking the concerned nurses for a seminar on reducing Injury Fall rates, the NDNQI data consistently indicated that rates still got worse. To improve patient safety, the hospital management decided to change the hospital beds to more advanced ones that protected the patients from falling. Further, Ju et al., (2018) explain that the data from NDNQI played a critical role in initiating a quality improvement effort in Gateway hospital and provided a platform for monitoring the progress to sustain the improvement. We (nurses) play a critical role within the interdisciplinary healthcare team. We have to collect and report data for the NDNQI.Demonstration of Proficiency Population Outcomes Paper

As I told you earlier, we submit our data by filling online surveys as regularly received from Press Ganey. Every unit in the health facility receives the survey, and the data submission is made either by the leader of the unit or in some cases, every member of the unit. Note that in an earlier communication, our Chief Nursing Officer, Ms Julian, emphasized the need to check our respective hospital emails daily for the online surveys, and fill them promptly. In the memo, Ms Julian notes that while the activity faced much resistance from the nursing staff in the early stages; nurses taking much time entering data and sending the survey, the process has dramatically improved. Gateway hospital boasts of a quality improvement unit that sends data on Fall/Injury Fall rates. Other units provide data on CatheterAssociated Urinary Tract Infection Rates, Hospital Readmission Rates, Peripheral IV Infiltration Rate and Unit Acquired Pressure Ulcer Rates. In summary, as a nurse in Gateway hospital, you will be required to provide care consistent to the current practice policies. You will complete all the necessary documentation, including the regular data on Injury Fall rates, and submit the online surveys from Press Ganey. Demonstration of Proficiency Population

This role has a significant impact in protecting patients from risky falls in hospitals. Of course, you are now aware that after we submit the data, NDNQI sends back a report. The hospital management evaluates the report and identifies the gaps affecting the quality and patient safety in our healthcare system. To fasten the evaluation process, NDNQI trends and pulls out the statistical information for every unit. Also, the quality improvement team in each unit at Gateway hospital evaluates their data and uses the results to create quality improvement plans and enhance patient safety. So, everyone here will be getting the NDNQI updates from their quality improvement teams, and the organizations plan regarding the data. TRANSCRIPT 4 Your actions have a direct impact on the quality of healthcare, both in the hospital and the nation at large. Look at this, when you chart accurately and complete all surveys, the data is used to analyze the scientific impact of nursing. The findings of the data assist nursing in identifying the nurse-sensitive indicators of quality that are appropriate in improving patient care in our healthcare system.Demonstration of Proficiency Population Outcomes Paper

Further, our nursing leaders utilize NDNQI data to formulate best practice policies for the organization and the specific units to improve safety and quality patient care outcomes. Gateway hospital believes using an interdisciplinary approach in improving safety and quality improvement and reducing costs of healthcare in the facility. For instance, our purchasing program is value-based: excellent performance on quality measurements attracts financial incentives that promote the quality of the facilities and subsequently, patient safety. Our facility emulates John Hopkins’s hospital, a leading data provider to NDNQI, in using the data to promote safety and quality (Ganey, 2017). We aim at achieving a 60% reduction in the Injury Fall Rates by using NDNQI’s national data on nursing interventions. We have now come to the end of our session! I believe that you have realized the importance of NDNQI in enhancing the quality and safety of patient care. Also, you must have realized that we play a significant role in ensuring the success of NDNQI. We are required to accurately complete the appropriate documentation and fill in any surveys from Press Ganey. Demonstration of Proficiency Population

The role of Gateway hospital as a healthcare facility is to provide additional data to NDNQI and to support the nursing staff through a deliberate focus on quality improvement. Also, the facility shares data from NDNQI with you and use the same data to create necessary policies. It implies, therefore, that the success of NDNQI is directly dependent on everyone’s commitment to providing accurate data promptly. Still, after receiving the data, the stakeholders: healthcare facility and nurses should use the national data to make healthcare quality and safety improvements in Gateway hospital. As such, nurses are in the frontline of promoting quality improvement and evidence-based practice. All of us can make a significant improvement in the delivery of quality patient care. Thank you! TRANSCRIPT 5 References Cupit, T., Stout-Aguilar, J., Cannon, L., & Norton, J. (2019). Assessing the Nurse Manager’s Span of Control: A Partnership Between Executive Leadership, Nurse Scientists and Clinicians. Nurse Leader, 17(2), 103-108. Dempsey, C., & Assi, M. J. (2018). The Impact of Nurse Engagement on Quality, Safety, and the Experience of Care: What Nurse Leaders Should Know. Nursing administration quarterly, 42(3), 278-283. Ganey, P. (2017).Demonstration of Proficiency Population Outcomes Paper

Nursing quality (NDNQI). Garrard, L., Boyle, D. K., Simon, M., Dunton, N., & Gajewski, B. (2016). Reliability and validity of the NDNQI® injury falls measure. Western journal of nursing research, 38(1), 111-128. Ju, Q. Y., Huang, L. H., Zhao, X. H., Xing, M. Y., Shao, L. W., Zhang, M. Y., & Shao, R. Y. (2018). Development of evidence-based nursing-sensitive quality indicators for emergency nursing: A Delphi study. Journal of clinical nursing, 27(15-16), 3008-3019. Sim, J., Joyce-McCoach, J., Gordon, R., & Kobel, C. (2019). Development of a data registry to evaluate the quality and safety of nursing practice. Journal of advanced nursing. Course Navigation Tutorials Support Irasema Betancourt Log Out Paulette McClain FACULTY 21 NEW  Ryan Menden COACH 14  Assessment 5 Instructions: Professional ePortfolio Develop a professional ePortfolio and resume. This is your final assessment for the course. For this assessment, you will create a professional ePortfolio and resume to showcase your achievements and competence in various areas for job search or advancement conversations. Demonstration of Proficiency By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: • Competency 1: Lead people and processes to improve patient, systems, and population outcomes. ◦ Explain how at least 2 chosen artifacts illustrate personal growth and achievements in leading people and processes to improve patient, systems, and population outcomes. • Competency 3: Transform processes to improve quality, enhance patient safety, and reduce the cost of care. ◦ Explain how at least 2 chosen artifacts illustrate personal growth and achievements in transforming processes to improve quality, enhance patient safety, and reduce the cost of care. Demonstration of Proficiency Population

• Competency 6: Collaborate interprofessionally to improve patient and population outcomes. ◦ Explain how at least 2 chosen artifacts illustrate personal growth and achievements in interprofessional collaboration to improve patient and population outcomes. • Competency 8: Integrate professional standards and values into practice. ◦ Explain how chosen at least 2 artifacts and a professional resume illustrate personal growth and achievements in the area of integrating professional standards and values into practice. ◦ Present a well-organized ePortfolio in a clear and professional manner, using correct grammar, spelling, and APA style. You should complete this assessment last. Professional Context A portfolio is a great way to for nurses to “record and provide evidence of skills, achievements, experience, development and learning, not only for themselves, but for the information and scrutiny of registration boards, employers, managers and peers” (Green, Wyllie, & Jackson, 2014, p. 8).

As you collect the artifacts that best showcase your strengths, you begin to track, reflect on, and evaluate your own learning and growth over time. Preparation For this assessment, you will be creating a professional ePortfolio and resume to take with you after completing your program. To help you complete this assessment, review …