EBP Critical Apraisal Of Research Articles

EBP Critical Apraisal Of Research Articles

EBP Critical Apraisal Of Research Articles

Choose 4 of the 8 articles below and fill out the attached worksheet which includes

Full citation (apa format), evidence level, conceptual framework, design method, sample/setting, major variables, critical appraisal, evaluation/summary, synthesis, measurement, data analysis, finding/recommendation, appraisal and study quality, findings, outcomes and general comments

I not only attached the worksheet you need but also resources from this week if you need to look at anything or need more information.

-Barakat-Johnson, M., Lai, M., Wand, T., & White, K. (2019). A qualitative study of the thoughts and experiences of hospital nurses providing pressure injury prevention and management. Collegian, 26(1), 95–102.

-Park, S. H., Lee, Y. S., and Kwon, Y. M. (2016). Predictive validity of pressure ulcer risk assessment tools for the elderly: A meta-analysis. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 38(4), 459-483.

-Roberts S., Mclness E., Wallis M., Bucknall T., Banks M., & Chaboyer W. (2016). Nurses’ perception of a pressure ulcer prevention care bundle: a qualitative descriptive study. BMC Nursing, 15, 64.

-Boyko T., Longaker M. T., and Yang G. (February 1, 2018). Review of the current management of Pressure Ulcers. Journal of Advances in Wound Care, vol. 7, issue No. 2. pages 57-67. EBP Critical Apraisal Of Research Articles

-Ferris, A., Price, A., & Harding, K. (2019). Pressure ulcers in patients receiving palliative care: A systematic review. Palliative Med, 33 (7), 770-782.

-McGinnis E, Brown S, Collier H, Faulks P, Gilberts R, Greenwood C, et al. Pressure Relieving Support SUrfaces: a Randomised Evaluation 2 (PRESSURE 2) photographic validation sub‐study: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2017;18(1):132

-Norman, G., Dumville, J. C., Moore, Z. E., Tanner, J., Christie, J., & Goto, S. (2016). Antibiotics and antiseptics for pressure ulcers. Cochrane Library.

-Schlüer, A. B. (2017). Pressure ulcers in maturing skin–a clinical perspective. Journal of tissue viability, 26(1), 2-5.


Use this document to complete the evaluation table requirement of the Module 4 Assessment, Evidence-Based Project, Part 4A: Critical Appraisal of Research

Full APA formatted citation of selected article. Article #1 Article #2 Article #3 Article #4
  Barakat-Johnson M., Lai M., Wand T. & White K. (2019). A qualitative study of the thoughts and experiences of hospital nurses providing pressure injury prevention and management. Collegian, 26(1), 95-102.


Park S. H., Lee Y. S. and Kwon, Y. M. (2016). Predictive validity of pressure ulcer risk assessment tools for the elderly: A meta-analysis. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 38(4), 459-483. Boyko T., Longaker M. T., and Yang G. (February 1, 2018). Review of the current management of Pressure Ulcers. Journal of Advances in Wound Care, vol. 7, issue No. 2. Pages 57-67. Ferris, A., Price, A., & Harding K. (2019). Pressure ulcers in patients receiving palliative care: A systematic review. Palliative Medicine, 33(7), 770-782.
Evidence Level *

(I, II, or III)


Level 4 evidence. The article provides a summary of the individual thoughts and experiences regarding the issue of pressure ulcers Level 2 evidence. The information comes from the meta-analysis of all the relevant and randomized, as well as the controlled trials. Level 1 evidence. The article offers evidence from the systematic review of the randomized as well as the controlled trials from the experiments. Level 1 evidence. The information is evidence from the systematic reviews of trials that have been relevant and controlled while the researchers were trying to carry out the research.
Conceptual Framework

Describe the theoretical basis for the study (If there is not one mentioned in the article, say that here).**


The theoretical basis that led to the research was an increased number of injuries resulting from pressure ulcers, and this led to the need for having a study to find the ways that were effective for preventing such occurrences. The theoretical framework that led to this study was that pressure ulcers have become a major challenge and a challenging goal when it came to providing healthcare for pressure ulcer patients. Therefore, it led to the need to have a study that could deal with the challenge. The theoretical framework that necessitated this research was the incidence of pressure ulcers that were increasing because of the poor and aging population as well as the elderly that were living with incidences of disability. Pressure ulcers were highly associated with significant mortality and morbidity and high costs of healthcare services, and this led to the need for a study to review the situation.

Describe the design and how the study was carried out (In detail, including inclusion/exclusion criteria).

A qualitative and exploratory design using semi-structured interviews. Sampling was also done and used for obtaining the participants and information from the relevant individuals of the study. A qualitative study was used in analyzing the situation. A systematic review was also carried out and involved a meta-analysis of 29 studies that used three pressure assessment tools like Waterflow scales, Braden, and Norton tools. A qualitative study was undertaken, and this revealed essential information concerning the issue of pressure ulcers and the causation as well as the preventative measures that would be undertaken. A systematic review was carried out and meant to quantify the incidence and prevalence of pressure ulcers in individuals that were receiving palliative care.

The number and characteristics of

patients, attrition rate, etc.

Voluntary participation was involved, and patients that had suffered from pressure ulcers were mainly used, and these provided essential information regarding the situation being examined.


Elderly individuals were mainly used in this study. The inclusion criterion involved the use of patients that were suffering from the situation and those that had recovered from the instance. The exclusion criterion was the avoidance of young people since they had never been involved in such a situation. The elderly individuals, especially those that were suffering from pressure ulcers or those that had faced a similar ordeal, were involved in the study. The inclusion criterion was using elderly people, while the exclusion criterion involved avoiding people that had not been affected by the situation. Elderly individuals that were receiving palliative care and those that were exposed to the risks of ulcer development. The young individuals were excluded while the elderly and vulnerable were highly involved.
Major Variables Studied

List and define dependent and independent variables

The notable variables that were used in this case included age and gender as well as different levels of education and occupations or job positions. The notable inclusion that was used was individuals who had experienced the situation, and the notable exclusion that was utilized was the underaged and those that never faced the situation. The notable variables involved in this case included the age and gender where the underaged were avoided, and the aspect of gender involved the use of both the male and female individuals although they were in different age brackets. Major variables involved in the study were the age brackets and the time that the individuals had been exposed to the incidence of the pressure ulcers. Age, gender, and education levels were involved, whereby people of different ages, genders, and levels of education were involved.

Identify primary statistics used to answer clinical questions (You need to list the actual tests done).

The essential tests that were done included the kind of medicine that had been used in treating the patients and the manner that the various drugs administered to the patients influenced their recoveries. Risk assessment tools involved in this case included those that were meant for evaluating the accuracy of predictability, especially in elderly adults. Primary statistics involved in answering the study question entailed the identification of people that had faced the incidence, the causes, and the preventative measures that aided in their recovery. Various data sources were identified, and information from these sources was analyzed to bring the essential information and data that were required for the study.
Data Analysis Statistical or

Qualitative findings

(You need to enter the actual numbers determined by the statistical tests or qualitative data).

The statistical and the qualitative findings that were found in this situation entailed education initiatives being important for dealing with pressure ulcers. It was also found that activities like mobility and hospital settings were important for facilitating the survival of the patients. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of data were utilized in this case. A qualitative style of data analysis was employed, and it found that pressure ulcers are highly associated with the inability of individuals, especially the elderly, to move and could be dealt with by embracing preventive dressing strategies. Data were analyzed using a quantitative study design, which was important for the analysis.
Findings and Recommendations

General findings and recommendations of the research

It was found that various measures and practices were important for preventing the pressure ulcers from the various individuals that were facing the problem of pressure ulcers   Pressure ulcers mainly develop from a combination of external conditions and physiologic events. It was also found that the causative factors of the situation involved the presence of sores on the body of an individual. Pressure ulcers are associated with individuals that are not receiving essential health care and those that are exposed to the predisposing factors of such ul

EBP Critical Apraisal Of Research Articles