For care nursing home

For care nursing home


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Description of Health Care Organization A nursing home offers services such as housekeeping, medical services, recreation activities, comfort, safety, and healthy meals. Our idea of a long-term care facility is different. It will offer all these services, but will also have additional services. First, it will have enhanced physical activities, not only for recreation but also to promote health. It will have a walking track that allows the elderly to use their wheelchair. This will allow the elderly to enjoy nature in a well-maintained ecosystem. The track should have alternating open sunning points and shades and should be decorated beautifully with flowers. Another physical activity will be an indoor gymnasium, which allow the elderly enhance their muscles with support. It will have consideration of their moving difficulties. In order to promote successful aging, the facility will offer psychological services. Most seniors have the mentality that they are abandoned at the moment they are placed in a nursing home. The facility will eliminate this mentality through the provision of mental therapy by expert psychologists. This will be in an attempt to eliminate stressors and reduce chances of the elderly having cognitive issues, which lead to amnesia. Another added feature will be spiritual support from diverse spiritual leaders. Target Population Served Population Served The facility will aim to cater for persons with chronic ailments requiring consistent care and the aged members of the society, needing care support. The chronic ailing patients include those suffering from advanced debilitating conditions that hinder one from normal function. The facility will provide support systems that will help these patients to lead a relatively healthy lifestyle while at the same time receiving care from personnel who understand their situation. These patients will also be accorded an opportunity to interact with other patients in the similar state, therefore having a platform for psychological healing (Singh, 2014). The elderly patients admitted will include those that have no support system back at home to take care of them and monitor their day-to-day situation. These patients will be given an opportunity to interact with each other as a form of psychological and social help. Located in Baltimore metropolitan area, the facility will be able to admit a broad scope of patients; both form the metropolitan area and its suburbs. The fact that it will be located in a metropolitan area means that it will be a reference point for patients suffering from chronic ailments but need a recovery station before being released to their respective homes. Therefore, the facility will have a care center, next to the hospital, to take care of these patients before there are released to their respective homes. The combination of temporary and permanent patients will allow the staff to gain the needed expertise to deal with every patient Admitted into the facility. It will also provide the facility with the needed finances to cater for the permanent patients and the elderly persons who have no means to contribute to their stay in the facility financially. Staffing Staffing Criteria The hiring of staff will take a combination of skills and professionalism. The reason for this is because, care, and unlike medicine is a combination of both skills and professionalism. Therefore the staff who will be hired must have the necessary skills to deal with patients who are naturally difficult (McSweeney-Feld & Molinari, 2016). They also must be professional enough to understand and know their roles, to ensure that they fulfill their roles as caregivers without bias. More so, the staff must show empathy and care since they are dealing with patients who are physically and emotionally unstable. This needs staff who have the patience to withstand the difficulty of dealing with mentally unstable patients. Hiring Criteria Professionalism This is the most important attribute to consider when hiring is professionalism. This means that the staff must be qualified to work with this kind of patients. Nevertheless, the fact that one is a nurse or a medical professional will automatically not qualify them to work in the institution. This is because working with acute ailing patients requires, not only the professionalism but also the empathy to withstand the difficulties these patients bring. Therefore, staff must show a willingness to utilize and combine their professionalism in a manner that is beneficial to the patients, in the long term. More so, the professionalism is not explicitly bound in academic qualification but rather in being able to behave ethically and morally even when there is no figure of authority (Pratt, 2015).
Therefore, professionalism, in this case, is about selfawareness and control in dealing with difficult patients and extremely ill patients. It requires a person with a willingness to withstand the challenges that come with taking care of the elderly, the physically, and mentally unstable. As such, before hiring, one must show or justify their professionalism in being able to deal with difficult patients. Skills When hiring, it is essential to hire persons with the right skills to work with such a special group of patients. It is important not to confuse academic capability with individual skills. When dealing with patients with chronic ailments or the elderly, skills refer to the ability to withstand and understand the challenges being faced by these patients. Thence, skills refer to the capability of withstanding the difficulties these patients pose to those mandated to take care of them. One must have the willingness to shelf their pride to take care of these patients without feeling as if they are being burdened. Calling Not everyone can be able to take care of their sick or elderly; the reason why there are homes for the elderly and sick. While some people can comfortably take care of their sick, others will cringe when asked to do it, even when it’s their children or even parents. Therefore, taking care of the sick or the elderly is a calling that needs to emanate from ones inner calling to such a task. Therefore, when hiring, it is crucial to identify those that do not seek this kind of employment merely for the financial reward it confers but instead for the fulfillment it gives them in taking care of those who cannot do that for themselves. This is a difficult attribute to identify automatically, but the hiring panel must establish criteria that will allow them to discern those who have a calling to working in such a facility, from those who are merely driven by the financial benefits that such an occupation confers them (Pratt, 2015). For care nursing home
Needed Staff The facility requires as much staff members as it can support. The determining factor to how many staff are needed should be effective in offering the right kind of services. More so, the staff must not be overworked. Therefore, there must be enough staff to fit into two or three shifts comfortably. Dealing with critically ill patients and the elderly is incredibly exhausting and thus a need to employ the right number of staff to avoid overworking (McSweeney-Feld & Molinari, 2016). It will also provide the facility with the flexibility to deal with the most urgent of patients while allowing the staff to receive the needed and ethically apportioned kind of rest. More so, the facility can employ the services of volunteer-ship especially form those institutions with volunteer platforms for their students. The volunteer platform can also be extended to community members who feel and have the willingness to work with the elderly. This will help the facility ease pressure on its staff while at the same time it will provide the facility with a platform for hiring emotionally and psychologically attuned persons. Quality Improvement Improving the Health Facility and Making It Healthy The best way to improve the healthcare facility is through staffing. The staffs are the system that runs the facility, and hence any improvement in function or quality of care can only be instituted through addressing the staff members. The staff members need to be trained well enough to understand their roles and responsibilities to guarantee the facility of improved function. For care nursing home
Therefore, the best way to ensure that the healthcare facility is improved and healthy practice are maintained is through human resource management strategies (Pratt, 2015). These strategies include those empowerment modules that allow staff members to grow and find purpose in the institution. They include: Training Programs and Seminars These enlighten the staff on how best to deal with patients, while at the same time educating them on the new formalities of treating patients. As a result, the staff can provide the most advanced form of treatment to their patients. The staff becomes more efficient and avoids apparent mistakes. The healthcare facility generally improves as every staff member knows and understands their role in taking care of the sick and in ensuring that patients are adequately cared of. Superior Payment Packages Satisfied staff will perform their duties productively unlike those who do so grudgingly. Therefore, it is vital that the staff is remunerated well to ensure that they find the fulfillment and purpose to work in the facility. Well paid staff are better placed to deal with difficulties, even when such difficulties are complicated because they find a reason and purpose to work in the institution. Poorly remunerated staff will work half-heartedly and hence make assumptions and leave work undone. It is crucial that the staff are well paid, as a motivation agenda. Resources Provision The facility management must provide the right resources to enable the staff to work efficiently and safely. Working with the sick and the elderly is potentially dangerous to the staff. Therefore the management need provide the staff members with the right equipment to treat and handle the patients (McSweeney-Feld & Molinari, 2016). This will ensure that the staff is comfortable working in their stations and do not feel obliged to seek third-party intervention. It also allows the patients to seek the response of the healthcare providers as they are more receptive to their difficulties.
Noted Difference The main difference that will be noted will be that of improved service provision. Different from other facilities, the facility will be able to cater for both the critically ill and the elder with ease, as the staff know and understand their roles. Other facilities usually differentiate the care facility with that of healthcare due to the difficulty encountered in combining these two facilities. More so, it is extremely challenging to ensure that the staff finds the motivation to work with both the critically ill and the elderly. The other difference will be in the quality and the expansiveness of the services provided by the facility. Unlike other facilities, this facility will be able to provide not only medical assistance to the elderly but also advanced care for the sick; coupled with an extensive care package that involves recovery care. References McSweeney-Feld, H., & Molinari, C. (2016). Dimensions of Long-Term Care Management: An Introduction, Second Edition. Michigan: Health Administration Press. Pratt, J. (2015). Long-Term Care: Managing Across the Continuum. Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Singh, D. (2014). For care nursing home
Effective Management of Long-Term Care Facilities. Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning. … For care nursing home