Houston Community Nursing Elder Project

Houston Community Nursing Elder Project

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On at least one occasion reminisce with a selected resident about some “FIRST” in his or her life or some special event that has occurred in his or her life. The resident MUST be a client in the clinical facility age be >65 years of age. Reminisce as long as you can, while keeping them comfortable and without overtiring the resident. The length of the assignment is left up to the student as long as all of the essentials in the grading rubric are covered.


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ELDER COMMUNICATION & REMINISCENCE EXPERIENCE Student: ______ Instructor / Facility On at least one occasion reminisce with a selected resident about some “FIRST” in his or her life or some special event that has occurred in his or her life. The resident MUST be a client in the clinical facility age be >65 years of age. Reminisce as long as you can, while keeping them comfortable and without overtiring the resident. The length of the assignment is left up to the student as long as all of the essentials in the grading rubric are covered. Please make sure this assignment is typed and uploaded to the appropriate drobox. Score: 1. Demographic Data 2. Preparation for exercise 3. Topic of communication 4. Initiation 5. Therapeutic Communication 6. Close 7. Non-Verbal 8. Perception 9. Developmental Theory Potential 15 10 5 10 20 10 10 10 10 Final: Student’s Actual Examples of topics that could be discussed: Please choose ONE of these topics. 1. Most important event in their life and why. 2. Childhood experiences – favorite toy, games they played, etc. 3. First car, first date. 4. Someone special in their life. 5. Special celebration. 6. High point in their life. 7. Most embarrassing moment. 8. Earliest memory. 9. Did they know their grandparents; what can you remember about them? 10. Starting school – did they cry, outstanding memory from early school days. 11. What were their best / worst subjects? Revised August 20, 2019 A. Creeks Page 2 of 2 12. What did their mother / father do for a living? 13. Houston Community Nursing Elder Project
What were their household duties growing up? 14. How did they meet their spouse, where, how old were they? 15. What changes have they seen in their life time? 16. What historical events have occurred in their lifetime? 17. What do they hope for in future generations? Revised August 20, 2019 A. Creeks Page 2 of 2 Demographic Data: Participant’s Initials: Date of Birth: M/Y__/___ Gender: _F__ Marital Status: widow Current: Previous: Residence: Own Home _√_Rent _________Apt_____ Single Residence √ Lives with Someone Whom: herself Religious Preference: Christian Ethnic Background: Native American Race: white Significant Other: Number of Children: one Grandchildren: N Greats: Jesus Number of relatives within 60 miles radius: one Occupation: Housewife Previous: Current: Source of income: Hobbies/Interests: Reading Bible Mode of Transportation: car Education:high school Vital Signs: Temp:97.4 HR:61 RR:17 BP: 143/77 Current Medical Status:__CAF______ Summarize how the above data is affected by the individual’s age. Because she is a religious person, her faith is very strong. She is a positive person. Her age is matched her appearance. What changes and losses have been experienced as this participant has aged? As aging, her skin lost elasticity and have the liver spot on the surface. She is sitting on a wheelchair because of her weakness bone and edema. 1.
What topic was the focus of the reminiscing session? Why was this topic chosen? The topic I picked up is about the resident’s most important event or person. Because this topic is easier for resident’s to reminiscence and open to the topic. 2. What did you do to prepare the environment for the reminiscing session? First of all, I asked her permission to sit the chair that closer to her and bring her to close the window to get lighter. Because the room was a litter dark. I feel that when a narrater is telling her story, the same position will make her more relaxing. 3. How did you initiate the reminiscing session? “Would you like telling me some special story in your life to share a litter bit with me?” I asked her first. I use open-ended questions. In fact, I did the “heat to toe” assessment on her before, during the process we had nice communication that make us closer. 4.
How did you keep the resident focused on reminiscing? When she got my points, I gave her my agreement. Sometimes, I respond in a positive manner and shared a some of my memories to encourage her memories. It came out that she would like talk to me more and deeper. 5. Give specific examples of therapeutic communication that was utilized. 1) I maintained eye contact. 2) Sometimes, when she said some words and did not finish one sentence, she stopped and focus on the window, I did not interrupt her. I knew she was reminiscing and gave her adequate time. 3)
Sometimes, I asked her to describe the scenario. 6. How did you close the reminiscing session? Revised August 20, 2019 A. Creeks Page 2 of 2 I expressed gratitude for her stories and said THANK YOU. 7. What significant non-verbal communication occurred during the session and how did you respond? During the time, when she was talking some happy things, I followed her emotion. When her phone ringed, I helped her to find it. 8. What is your perception of the value of this session? What would you do anything differently? It encouraged the resident to share her memories to stimulate mental activity. It promotes good social interaction and strengthens friendships. If it allows, I would like to bring the resident to outside to have a nature environment to have the communication. 9. According to the Erikson’s developmental theory, what stage is the stage of your client? Please refer to your Videbook textbook for these theories. My client is on 8 stage. Revised August 20, 2019 A. Creeks Page 2 of 2 .. Houston Community Nursing Elder Project