Permalink: https://nursingessaygurus.com/n-595-focused-sc…ct-nurse-burnout/

You can all the other resources from the other assignments pertaining to the Project!!!


1. Complete the IRB Exemption Form—(Be sure for # 7 to check E i and ii)
2. Pre and Post Questionnaire 4 or 5 questions each.
3. Recruitment Letter (For the project)

                                                           Project Identification and Objectives

Title of Project: Nurse Burnout: Strategies / Interventions to Reduce Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Type of Project: Education module.

Rationale for Project

Nurses comprise the hugest percentage of the healthcare workforce in an epidemic, and they carry out many of the responsibilities regarding infectious disease containment. They are considered the backbone of healthcare and usually must cope with profound burnout levels (Ross, 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the nurse burnout situation, with most nurses reporting high levels of physical and emotional fatigue ((Shanafelt et al., 2020). The prolonged exposure of nurses to stress related to the pandemic crisis has a possibility of causing insidious long‐term health effects such as an increased risk of physical and mental disorders, impaired cognitive function, and reduced productivity and absenteeism at work (Ross, 2020). According to Callus et al. (2020), higher levels of distress were reported by healthcare workers during the SARS pandemic, such as burnout, psychological stress, post-traumatic stress, hostility, and somatization. N 595 FOCUSED SCHOLARLY PROJECT NURSE BURNOUT

Nurses have endured compassion fatigue when handling traumatic events and patients affected by the COVID-19. Therefore, they must be provided with adequate support programs to meet their emotional needs and well-being (Fessell & Cherniss, 2020). Stress‐management interventions for nurses may be a useful approach in reducing burnout caused by emotional fatigue. According to a study in China by Que et al. (2020), insidious psychological problems were observed among health providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study found that the prevalence of anxiety, depression, insomnia, and the widespread psychological problems among health providers during the COVID-19 pandemic was 46.04, 44.37, 28.75, and 56.59%, respectively.

According to Chen et al. (2020), strategies such as staff training on the psychological aspect of patient care and relaxation techniques can help reduce stress.  Furthermore, positive mental health can reduce work-related stress and burnout and should be fostered among healthcare workers in COVID-19 ((Shanafelt et al., 2020).Strategies suggested for decreasing the workload include mindfulness and promoting self-care. Mindfulness training is commended for nurses because it can foster self-care and well-being (Fessell & Cherniss, 2020). Besides, mindfulness programs are praised since they improve resilience to stress, quality of professional life, and self-compassion.

Project Objectives

  1. Conduct a literature search to identify strategies or interventions that have been useful in reducing stress and emotional burnout during a pandemic.
  2. Develop a psychological support program based on the literature search strategies to facilitate psychological well-being and self-care among nurses.
  3. Working as frontline healthcare workers in the COVID-19 pandemic, Nurses will be enrolled in the psychological support program and educated on strategies to reduce stress and psychological burnout when caring for patients.
  4. Apply the Behavioral Learning Theory using the systematic desensitization technique to teach nurses relaxation techniques to reduce fear and anxiety.
  5. Evaluate the psychological support program’s impact in enhancing nurses’ knowledge and attitude on stress reduction strategies during the pandemic.

Section I

  • Background and problem identification
  • Purpose of the project
  • Significance of the project to nursing practice
  • Discussion of the conceptual model

Section II

  • Method used for literature search
  • Literature Review
  • Matrix


Section III

  • Project’s implication for nursing practice, future research, and education.
  • Design the psychological support program.
  • Barriers to Implementation. N 595 FOCUSED SCHOLARLY PROJECT NURSE BURNOUT


Section IV:

  • Abstract
  • Final document


STUDENT: ____LaQuinta Legania_________________________DATE: __02/05/2021

(Electronic signature acceptable)



FACULTY: _________________________________________________ DATE: _____________




Callus, E., Bassola, B., Fiolo, V., Bertoldo, E. G., Pagliuca, S., & Lusignani, M. (2020). Stress Reduction Techniques for Health Care Providers Dealing with Severe Coronavirus Infections (SARS, MERS, and COVID-19): A Rapid Review. Frontiers in psychology11, 3325. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.589698

Fessell, D., & Cherniss, C. (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and beyond: micro-practices for burnout prevention and emotional wellness. Journal of the American college of radiology17(6), 746-748. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacr.2020.03.013

Que, J., Le Shi, J. D., Liu, J., Zhang, L., Wu, S., Gong, Y., … & Lu, L. (2020). Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers: a cross-sectional study in China. General psychiatry33(3). https://doi.org/110.1136/gpsych-2020-100259

Shanafelt, T., Ripp, J., and Trockel, M. (2020). Understanding and addressing sources of anxiety among health care professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. JAMA 323, 2133–2134.


Ross, J. (2020). The Exacerbation of Burnout During COVID-19: A Major Concern for Nurse Safety. Journal of Peri-Anesthesia Nursing35(4), 439-440. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jopan.2020.04.001 N 595 FOCUSED SCHOLARLY PROJECT NURSE BURNOUT


Request for HSIRB Exemption


  1. Name(s) of Principal Investigator(s): _____________________________  Phone:  ______________


Other Investigators: ________________________________________________________________


Faculty Sponsor (If Student Research): _____________________________ Phone: _____________


  1. College: ___________ Department: ________________________ Phone: _____________


  1. Title of Project or Proposal:_________________________________________________________


  1. Description of Project or Proposal (attach additional information as needed):


  1. Briefly describe the population of human subjects involved (e.g., University students, community members, athletes, homemakers, school children, etc.) You MUST indicate if this participation is VOLUNTARY or NOT. Subjects must be 18 or older for HSIRB Exemption.





  1. Briefly describe your research procedures and techniques of data collection (e.g., interview, questionnaire, test administration, observation of public behavior, etc.). You MUST include a printed copy of any data collection instrument(s) as well as active link(s) if online or electronic data collection methods are being utilized.





  1. Briefly describe the objectives of your research (e.g., what hypotheses you are testing.)






  1. a. How will you recruit subjects?  YOU MUST submit VERBATIM COPIES of all letters, emails, notices, advertisements, etc. and/or all oral presentations to be used to recruit subjects/ participation in the research project (e.g. scripts of direct person-to-person solicitation, telephone solicitation, newspaper solicitation, letters of solicitation, email solicitation, notices of solicitation posted to Facebook or Moodle, etc.).




  1. List all criteria for including subjects.





  1. List all criteria for excluding subjects.




  1. Describe subject benefits and costs:


  1. Indicate what, if any, benefits may accrue to each of the following: (Payment to research subjects for participation in studies is considered a benefit.)


1)         The human subjects involved:



2)         Individuals who are not subjects, but who may have similar problems:



3)         Society in general:



  1. State type, amount, method of disbursement, schedule of payment to be offered, and the effect of withdrawal from participation in the study, if any:



  1. Estimated costs to each subject due only to the research participation:


1)         Time (i.e., total time commitment for the duration of the project)



2)         Money



3)         Is repeated testing required?  Explain:



  1. BASIS OF REQUEST FOR EXEMPTION – One of the following (A-E) must be checked.


_____ A.   The research will be conducted only in established or commonly accepted educational settings (like classrooms) AND it involves normal educational practices such as research on regular and special educational instructional strategies, or research on the effectiveness of, or the comparison among, instructional techniques, curricula or classroom management methods. N 595 FOCUSED SCHOLARLY PROJECT NURSE BURNOUT


_____ B.   It will be conducted using only questionnaire or interview survey methods AND the subjects are elected or appointed public officials or candidates for public office.


_____ C.   It is limited to the collection and study of existing data, documents, records, pathological or diagnostic specimens which are available to the public.



(Request options for exemption continued on next page)



_____ D.       It is limited to the collection and study of data obtained using only the following techniques AND the data or information obtained will be recorded in such a manner that subjects cannot be identified, directly or indirectly, through identifiers linked with the subjects:


Check the applicable technique(s):


_____ 1. The data will be obtained through the use of educational tests (cognitive, diagnostic, aptitude, achievement, etc.), or


_____ 2. Data will be obtained by observing the public behavior of subjects, or


_____ 3. Data will be obtained using survey or interview procedures, or


_____ 4.Data will be obtained from existing documents, records, pathological or diagnostic specimens.


_____ E.    It is limited to the collection and study of data obtained by:


  1. Observing the public behavior of the participants, or


  1. Using survey or interview procedures, AND:





_____ i)          The information collected about the subjects behavior does not involve sensitive subjects such as illegal or immoral conduct, drug or alcohol use, sexual behavior, mental illness, or other possibly personally embarrassing subjects AND,


_____ ii)         The information collected about subjects, if it became known to outsiders, could not reasonably be expected to place the subject at risk of civil or criminal liability, or be damaging to the subjects social or financial standing or employability.


  1. Attach copies of current CITI Training certificate(s) for all investigators. Faculty Sponsors of

            student research must provide a copy of their current CITI Training certificate.  Please be sure to

            select (enroll) and complete the appropriate series of modules based on your area / learner group.

            URL TO CITI TRAINING:  https://about.citiprogram.org/en/homepage/

            There are 5 different learner groups for Nicholls State University:


            Faculty Researchers / Faculty Sponsors – If you are conducting research involving human subjects

or if you are the faculty sponsor / supervisor of student research which does NOT involve the areas of

biomedical research.   NOTE: Nursing and Allied Health Faculty are required to complete the

             HIPAA module (not suggested as for all other faculty).


Student Researchers (Not Nursing/Allied Health):  Any research being conducted by a student or

student group (either thesis, class project, service/experiential learning, or academic oriented research)

where human subjects are involved (surveyed, experimental design, and/or observation).


IRB Members: Any member of the HSIRB Committee at Nicholls State University


            Nursing and Allied Health Students:  Modules in this group include the Basic Social-Behavioral-

Educational Modules as well as additional required modules, as required by consensus of the

Faculty within the respective College and Department.


            Biomedical Data or Specimens/Researchers (Faculty and Students):  Any Faculty / Students whose

Research involves the use or collection of biomedical data and/or specimens.

NOTE:  Depending on the exact protocols used.  If additional data is collected by means of a

survey from subjects, then the researchers (both faculty, faculty sponsors and students) are

required to complete additional modules (Faculty – Faculty Researchers/Research Sponsors;

Students – Student Researchers (Not Nursing or Allied Health).




The undersigned certify that they believe that the conduct of the above described research creates no risk of physical or emotional harm, or social or legal embarrassment to any participating human subject.



Signature of Principal Investigator      Date



  1. FACULTY SPONSOR (if a student is the principal investigator)



Signature of Faculty Sponsor             Date





I recommend that the above described research project be exempt from review.



_______________________________         HSIRB PROTOCOL NUMBER ______________

Signature of Chairperson             Date                     (Assigned by HSIRB)



NOTE – APPROVE HSIRB Research is valid for a 12 month period of time from the date approved.  Approved research can be renewed and extended for a 1 year period at the request of the principle investigator / faculty member – PRIOR to the expiration of an existing HSIRB Protocol Number.  Projects can be renewed a maximum of two (2) times.  Any faculty wishing to continue a research project beyond year 3 must submit a new request.  If approved, a new HSIRB Protocol Number will be issued.



The mailing or distribution of surveys or the collection of data may begin ONLY after this form has received committee approval (ALLOW 10 DAYS FOR PROCESSING) and has been properly filed with the HSIRB Representative or HSIRB Chairperson.  It must have signatures of the Principal Investigator(s) or Faculty Sponsor.  The Committee may, upon review of this application, deny the request for an exemption.  To inquire about approval status, please contact the HSIRB Representative you submitted the application to or the HSIRB Chairperson. N 595 FOCUSED SCHOLARLY PROJECT NURSE BURNOUT


Revised 9/2019