Nursing Role Replay

Nursing Role Replay


Make an replay for each discussion attached. A minimum of 2 references (excluding the class textbook) no older than 5 years must be used. If you use the textbook as a reference will not be counted. Every reference that you present in your assignment must be quoted in the assignment. Your reply must be at least 3 paragraphs.

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Week 12 Discussion Taymir Torres Nursing Role and Scope Professor Lourdes Castaneda Florida National University Nov 19, 2019 1. It is essential to highlight that in the healthcare environment, all people have the right to respect their health data from a professional level. Therefore, the nurses must prevent people from accessing their personal information and data without prior authorization under the law, that is, informed consent. Nurses must take all appropriate measures to guarantee the right to information protection (Safran, 2018). From another point of view, nurses must allow patients to access the identity of the professionals who care for them and feed the clinical history of each patient with the complete information of each professional. An important aspect is the autonomy of the patient, which assigns obligations to the nurses in the protection of the clinical documentation from the general principles and in-depth to everything related to the clinical information generated in the care centers, for example, copies of the exams and the patient’s medical history (Safran, 2018). The copy of reports and complementary tests of patient results, require nurses to limit and safeguard the confidentiality of personal data before third parties, including the professional’s comments. On the other hand, the nurses involved in research, epidemiological or teaching studies have access to the patient’s medical history, safeguarding the transmission of any data that can identify the patients or participants, unless the patients give their consent not to separate the identifiers of clinicians-assistants (Safran, 2018). 2. The role of information management nursing practice is based on the use of appropriate technologies to manage patient information from information management programs. This includes the communication between devices that support nursing, medical, and administrative activities in the healthcare environment since nurses are the main ones responsible for daily activities around patients (Toromanovic, Hasanovic & Masic, 2018). The use of telecommunications to transmit patient information from one department to another, from one professional to another, always ensuring the integrity and safety of the patients. Additionally, they must support all patient information in programs and databases with the exact and accurate information of each procedure (Toromanovic, Hasanovic & Masic, 2018). Nursing practices should include the main limitations and benefits of information management that have the use of technologies to administer and process patient information. The role of nurses is to identify promptly how these factors alter the effectiveness of health care and how they affect the health of patients (Toromanovic, Hasanovic & Masic, 2018). 3. In the current situation, it is necessary to look for creative solutions that allow the maintenance of health. There is no doubt that the medium and long-term follow-up of chronic and elderly patients, such as consultation between specialists and many other activities, could benefit from the implementation of telematics techniques in the field of health. The application of Telemedicine ranges from the computerization of patients’ medical records, teleconsultations or tele-diagnostic, to robotic interventions. The most extended services are teleradiology, telepathology, teledermatology, teleconsultation, telesurgery, and teleophthalmology (Chang et. al, 2014). Diabetes Education and Telemedicine (IDEATel) is a tool that allows diabetic patients to access diagnosis, consultation, and training from the comfort of their homes. This tool aims to offer care and attention from primary and preventative care. Initially, it emerged for Medicare beneficiaries. However, today, different people can access essential consultations and random information about diabetes management, prevention, and control (Chang et. al, 2014). Another technology tool is the Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System (CHESS) is an application that allows patients to access primary care services. The particularity is that it points to the population in crisis, who need health, social and welfare support through a device such as computers, cell phones or tablets (Chang et. al, 2014). References Chang, B. L., Bakken, S., Brown, S. S., Houston, T. K., Kreps, G. L., Kukafka, R., … Stavri, P. Z. (2014). Bridging the digital divide: reaching vulnerable populations. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA, 11(6), 448–457. doi:10.1197/jamia.M1535 Safran, C. (2018). Health care in the information society. International journal of medical informatics, 66(1-3), 23-24. Toromanovic, S., Hasanovic, E., & Masic, I. (2018). Nursing information systems. Materia socio-medica, 22(3), 168–171. doi:10.5455/msm.2010.22.168-171 Week 12 Discussion Maria Lazarte Nursing Role and Scope Professor Lourdes Castaneda Florida National University Nov 19, 2019 1. Respect for private life and the right to the elements that constitute it are not public objects of general information, is recognized in all constitutions and legal frameworks of advanced and democratic countries. The need for guidance on confidentiality responds to the general objective of improving quality in people who request health care and attention. Based on the above, nurses have the role of protecting the right to be protected in everything that is considered part of the identity of the patients, that is, everything that the patients recognize in themselves and that differentiates them from the rest (Darvish, Bahramnezhad Keyhanian & Navidhamidi, 2014) — for example, their medical records, personal data, and confidential information within the healthcare environment. Within the healthcare environment, the rights to privacy and intimate give rise to the duty to the confidentiality of all professionals involved in the care and attention of patients (Darvish, Bahramnezhad Keyhanian & Navidhamidi, 2014). Therefore, nurses have the obligation not to disclose everything that belongs to the privacy and intimate of patients. Confidentiality refers to “how” nurses should protect patients’ health information. The relationship established between patients and nurses is extremely complex. The patients, distressed by their situation, are willing to collaborate in whatever is necessary to recover their health. Sometimes, it will even reveal secrets that they have never shared with anyone, not even with their most loved ones. Other times it will be the nurses who discover, through analysis or other explorations, data that the patient does not know or did not want to reveal, in this case, nurses must ensure the desire for autonomy of patients to protect this personal information not competent for the diagnosi s, treatment or monitoring of patients (Darvish, Bahramnezhad Keyhanian & Navidhamidi, 2014). 1. Nursing Role Replay
The role of information management nursing practice is to collect patient information from admission to health institutions, then to feed the medical history after they have been admitted. This information has the only purpose of serving as a source of information for all health professionals who interact with patients. Therefore, all the information that nurses collect is vital to the safety and quality that is offered to patients (Gassert, 2018). Another role of information management nursing practice is the administration of information collection, selection, and processing technologies. Nursing Role Replay
For example, programs to monitor patient care. In this case, nursing activities are focused on ensuring the correct functioning of information and information management programs (Gassert, 2018). Finally, the role of information management nursing practice is to allow immediate and timely access to the sources of information of health institutions. Therefore, nurses are facilitators and information consultants. However, they must allow access to authorized personnel (Gassert, 2018). 1. First, Mobile Health (mHealth), a tool that allows researchers to identify, know, and approach underserved populations. This tool enables underserved populations to access health professionals quickly and easily from the application on any mobile device with WIFI (Bakken, Currie, Hyun, Lee, John, Schnall & Velez, 2019). Nursing Role Replay
Another alternative is the short messaging services, and it allows the unattended population to access emergency health services through SMS. This service reduces the disparity among the underserved populations, offering easy access without the need for WIFI. When the communities send text messages to the health centers, an operator receives the information and classifies the need of the patients, then sends useful information to the people attending to their complaints and concerns (Bakken, Currie, Hyun, Lee, John, Schnall & Velez, 2019). Finally, one of the most typical is the use of the internet to communicate with health centers, or professionals according to the needs of the patients. Some of these professionals offer free attention to underserved people, and some health centers provide assessment and access to low-cost medications, depending on the severity of the symptoms (Bakken, Currie, Hyun, Lee, John, Schnall & Velez, 2019). References Bakken, S., Currie, L., Hyun, S., Lee, N. J., John, R., Schnall, R., & Velez, O. (2019). Reducing health disparities and improving patient safety and quality by integrating HIT into the Florida APN curriculum. Studies in health technology and informatics, 146, 859-859. Darvish, A., Bahramnezhad, F., Keyhanian, S., & Navidhamidi, M. (2014). The role of nursing informatics on promoting quality of health care and the need for appropriate education. Global journal of health science, 6(6), 11–18. doi:10.5539/gjhs.v6n6p11 Gassert, C. A. (2018). The challenge of meeting patients’ needs with a national nursing informatics agenda. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 5(3), 263-268. … Nursing Role Replay