Quantitative research that has health care implications

Quantitative research that has health care implications

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Third time I’m posting this paper (warming somewhat difficult task) so far it has conquered two tutors. I will attach some example papers. I do have the critique from the graders will post in private chat with tutor the format is correct but the content is not! I also attached the table the five areas are suppose to go in! I can only give one day since I have posted this paper so many times already.

A. Evaluate a primary quantitative research peer-reviewed journal article (suggested length of 3–5 pages) that has healthcare implications by doing the following:

1. Identify how the researcher addresses the five following areas of the selected journal article, using the attached “Evidence Table”:

• background or introduction

• review of the literature

• discussion of methodology

• data analysis

• researcher’s conclusion

2. Critique whether the evidence presented in each section of the journal article supports the researcher’s conclusion.

3. Explain the protection of human subjects and cultural considerations of the journal article.

4. Identify strengths and limitations of the study.

5. Describe how the evidence informs nursing practice.

B. Evaluate a primary qualitative research peer-reviewed journal article (suggested length of 3–5 pages) that has healthcare implications by doing the following:

1. Identify how the researcher addresses the five following areas of the selected journal article, using the attached “Evidence Table”:

• background or introduction

• review of the literature

• discussion of methodology

• data analysis

• researcher’s conclusion

2. Critique whether the evidence presented in each section of the journal article supports the researcher’s conclusion.

3. Explain the protection of human subjects and cultural considerations of the journal article.

4. Identify strengths and limitations of the study.

5. Describe how the evidence informs nursing practice.

C. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized



quantitative research that has health care implications, health and medicine homework help
quantitative research that has health care implications, health and medicine homework help
quantitative research that has health care implications, health and medicine homework help
quantitative research that has health care implications, health and medicine homework help

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Sources of Stress in Nursing Students: A Systematic Review of Quantitative Studies A1 Quantitative Article: Pulido-Martos, M., Augusto-Landa, J., & Lopez-Zafra, E. (2012). Sources of stress in nursing students: a systematic review of quantitative studies… [corrected] [Published erratum appears in INT NURS REV 2012 Jun; 59(2):289]. International Nursing Review, 59(1), 15-25 11p. doi:10.1111/j.1466-7657.2011.00939.x Background or Introduction This study planned to recognize the fundamental wellsprings of stress for understudies of nursing and the development of the stressors when preparing in nursing capabilities. Levels of stress are higher for health care experts than for different laborers. A higher number of stressors with negative wellbeing results are available, particularly among nursing experts. Stress is a psychosocial component that impacts the scholarly execution and prosperity of this gathering. The enthusiasm for breaking down wellsprings of stress in nursing understudies is because of the impact that their preparation period may have on their view of weight on their future work (Pulido-Martos, Augusto-Landa, & Lopez-Zafra, 2012, p. 15). Review of the Literature A precise audit of the experimental literature on stressors in nursing understudies were examined. The inquiry involved all the articles distributed toward the end of 2010. The writers led a reading of titles and abstracts and settled on the choice to incorporate articles in the survey in light of the accompanying criteria: (i) the study included one or more instruments to gather data on anxiety variables among nursing understudies, (ii) the study included just nursing understudies or, if different examples were viewed as, the study gave data on nursing understudies independently, and (iii) the work included quantitative data on wellsprings of stress, barring those studies that lone reported a worldwide measure of stress. Articles were incorporated into the audit in the event that they met these three criteria. If there should arise an occurrence of disparities between the scientists, discourse gatherings bound together the decision. At long last, papers that construct their examination in light of a subjective elucidation of the data gathered (e.g. talk examination, discussion investigation) were rejected (Pulido-Martos, Augusto-Landa, & Lopez-Zafra, 2012, p. 16). Discussion of Methodology The most well-known wellsprings of stress identify with scholastics (audits, workload and issues connected with concentrating on, among others). Different wellsprings of anxiety incorporate clinical sources, (for example, apprehension of obscure circumstances, botches with patients or treatment of specialized hardware). When all is said in done, no progressions happen at the distinctive years of the understudy’s training (Pulido-Martos, Augusto-Landa, & Lopez-Zafra, 2012, p. 16). Quantitative research that has health care implications
Data Analysis Eighty-six articles (out of 784) seemed to meet the destinations and criteria of this efficient modification on the premise of titles and abstracts. After the complete readings, 63 articles were disposed of. for one of the accompanying reasons: (i) tests were not only nursing understudies, and their outcomes were not isolated from different understudies, (ii) the outcomes just reported worldwide scores and not calculated scores, or( iii) although the abstract did not report a qualitative study, it turned out to be clear after reading the study that a qualitative technique was utilized. Subsequently, the final test was lessened to 23 studies (Pulido-Martos, Augusto-Landa, & Lopez-Zafra, 2012, p. 17). Researcher’s Conclusion Contrasting studies was difficult due with the methodological contrasts between them. In any case, the authors of the study amendment gives an ebb and flow best in class and expressive data that may be exceptionally helpful for future exploration. They bring up the significance of instructors and clinical facilitators to be delicate of these stressors and furnish understudies with successful adapting methodologies to manage the inescapable wellsprings of stress present amid nurse education and training. These techniques may prompt the lessening of negative mental side effects connected with view of stress. Future exploration ought to consider investigating papers that have utilized subjective techniques to contribute data to this work (Pulido-Martos, AugustoLanda, & Lopez-Zafra, 2012, p. 23). Critique whether the evidence presented in each section of the journal article supports the researcher’s conclusion. According to the various sections presented in the journal article is appears that all sections support researchers conclusion. They broke down the specific target of every study. Besides that, they dissected the circumstance and stressors, considering the scholarly year the understudies are in. The survey incorporates cross-sectional studies with understudies from a solitary scholarly course, cross-sectional studies looking at different scholastic courses and longitudinal studies that incorporate the advancement of the wellsprings of anxiety for the same gathering crosswise over various scholastic courses. Another specific goal was to examine circumstances and stressors straightforwardly identified with the behavior of clinical practice as a feature of the preparation of students (Pulido-Martos, Augusto-Landa, & Lopez-Zafra, 2012, p. 20). Finally, given that some of the studies looked into analyze levels and wellsprings of anxiety in tests of understudies from various instructive frameworks, we recognize distinctively wellsprings of anxiety of the instructive framework. Explain the protection of human subjects and cultural considerations of the journal article. In a portion of the explored examines, most of the specimens were understudies enlisted under the new qualifications that have a more noteworthy scholarly load. In addition, they concentrated on sources of stress saw by understudies in the customary framework with those in the new framework; in the northeast of Scotland made this comparison and in Spain inspected the developments of the new instructive projects. Identify strengths and limitations of the study. Quantitative research that has health care implications
There are numerous difficulties in contrasting studies. The organization of the specimen, the instrument utilized and the coding of reactions are among the variables that may block examination of the outcomes got in various studies. In addition, now and again, the outcomes allude to the measurements or components of the wellsprings of stress, and in different cases, the outcomes allude to the substance or specific things of these measurements. Therefore, the authors reported the specific aftereffects of this efficient survey on the base of the accompanying criteria: (i) the examination targets, (ii) the investigation of stress isolated by scholastic courses, (iii) wellsprings of anxiety connected with clinical practice and (iv) wellsprings of stress as far as educational programs (Pulido-Martos, Augusto-Landa, & Lopez-Zafra, 2012, p. 17). Describe how the evidence informs nursing practice. The evidence informs the nursing practice that those in charge of the projects ought to consider the time spent by understudies on the proposed undertakings to maintain a strategic distance from work burden. Besides, elective types of appraisal past the securing of aptitudes for testing, for example, learning-focused evaluation, could lessen scholastic stress among understudies and the decrease of negative mental manifestations. B1 Qualitative Article: Greenslade, M. V., Elliott, Barbara,PhD., R.N., & Mandville-Anstey, S. (2010). Sameday breast cancer surgery: A qualitative study of women’s lived experiences. Oncology Nursing Forum, 37(2), E92-7. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/223115755?accountid=87314 Background or Introduction The purpose of the study was to try and comprehend the encounters of woman having same-day breast cancer surgery and make suggestions to help healthcare professionals impact change to upgrade the nature of care. It is relatively clear that breast cancer is a common disease among woman and this study projects that the length of stay for woman having breast cancer surgery can be eliminated to about 48 hours, as opposed to a week or more. The research suggest that if woman having same day breast cancer surgery may have better outcomes if they are properly educated when preparing for surgery. Review of the Literature Surveying the emotionally supportive networks of ladies with breast cancer ought to be a fundamental piece of nursing practice. Alongside having solid bolster systems, ladies recognized that reasoning decidedly, keeping occupied, and looking for wellbeing related data were adapting techniques that encouraged recuperation. Likewise observed that supports, for example, family, companions, and human services experts are basic for psychosocial conformity and successful adapting Discussion of Methodology This study was conceded from the Human Investigations Committee, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. A purposive specimen of 13 ladies was selected from outpatient branches of two city hospitals on the east shore of Canada. Ladies going to the preadmission facilities preceding experiencing same-day breast cancer surgery were drawn closer by nursing staff and asked whether they would be occupied with taking an interest in the study. The individuals who agreed to partake were taken after to decide qualification. Members who stayed overnight were barred. A constructivist approach with inside and out interviews and relative examination to create and systemically compose information into four noteworthy interrelated subjects and an interfacing key thread (Greenslade, Elliott, & Mandville-Anstey, 2010, p. E93). Quantitative research that has health care implications
Data Analysis The discoveries delivered four noteworthy interrelated subjects: planning, timing, supports, and community health nursing interventions. Inseparably laced inside every subject was a key string of the effect on adapting. The four subjects, and also the vital thread, are depicted in this segment with an interpretive methodology (Greenslade, Elliott, & Mandville-Anstey, 2010, p. E93). Researcher’s Conclusion Same-day surgery for breast cancer is not reasonable for each patient. Patients who are more established, have attending conditions, live an extensive separation from the clinic, or have different family obligations may not be reasonable hopefuls. Each woman with breast cancer ought to be evaluated independently to decide the way to deal with surgery. In this manner, the creators prescribe that a screening apparatus be produced to decide fitting appropriateness for same-day breast cancer surgery (Greenslade, Elliott, & Mandville-Anstey, 2010, p. E97). This study permitted the scientists to pick up a superior comprehension of the encounters of ladies having same-day surgery for breast cancer. Critique whether the evidence presented in each section of the journal article supports the researcher’s conclusion. The evidence presented in each section of the journal article, to an extent, supported the researcher’s conclusion. Looking towards the review of literature, the assumptions made that a support system was relevant in woman who have same-day breast surgery served as a significant outcome of how woman need their support system in place from the time of diagnosis not just for same-day surgery. Explain the protection of human subjects and cultural considerations of the journal article. The study was based on interviews of 13 woman where data were gathered amid audiotaped, unstructured interviews, either by phone or in the members’ homes. Interviews were directed by and large eight weeks postoperatively and went in length from 45–60 minutes. Open-ended inquiries were utilized to invigorate dialog. Coding schemata were created, at first with a slender spotlight on points and after that assembled into more extensive classes. Subject marks were produced to mirror the expansive themes shared by members. Further investigation guaranteed methodical association of subjects, and a constructivist methodology was utilized to comprehend the mind boggling universe of lived experience from the perspective of the individuals who live it (Greenslade, Elliott, & Mandville-Anstey, 2010, p. E93). Quantitative research that has health care implications
Identify strengths and limitations of the study. The one limitation shown within this study was the small sample size that was utilized. Having a small sample size does allow for the study to prove or disprove the theory being studied. One strength of the study was to willingness of the participant and how the researchers utilized various methods of conducting this study by mean of open-ended questions for the woman being interviewed. Describe how the evidence informs nursing practice. The evidence of this study helps to inform the nursing practice that with the proper education and a strong support system will allow for woman with breast cancer same-day surgery to be better equipped to deal with tier diagnosis as well as the means to recuperate after such an intensive type surgery. Helping these patients to prepare themselves for surgery and teaching them the various routes of preadmission is vital. In addition, timing is always of the essences. Furthermore, educating family and others of the patient with breast cancer proves to be an essential part of recovery for the patient. Not to mention, evidence on community health nursing intervention is also key for the nursing practice. It provides another outlet for patient to gain outside support if they are troublesome of receiving support from friends and family. Last but not least, evidence shows that teaching coping skills can better prepare patients as well as the nurse practice when helping same-day breast cancer surgery patients. Evidence Based Nursing and Research 1 Evidence Based Nursing and Research Nefertiti Aziz Western Governors University June 19, 2016 Evidence Based Nursing and Research 2 The experiences of black fathers concerning support for their wives/partners during labor: A Systematic Review of Quantitative Studies A1 Quantitative Article: Rosich-Medina, A., & Shetty, A. (2007). Quantitative research that has health care implications
Paternal experiences of pregnancy and labour. British journal of midwifery, 15(2), 66. Background or Introduction The researchers present a purpose statement on the research topic with clarity and in an unambiguous manner. He acknowledges the difference that exists between fathers who witness their wives in labor and those who never had such an experience. The article identifies a scenario in illustration of the impact father’s presence to the mother during the delivery process. Finally, the author brings the reader into the knowledge of the research context, specifying that the research was done in an immediate context in particular labor wards of specific private and public provincial hospital (Rosich-Medina, 2007). Review of the Literature The author presents the literature review after the introduction of research methods. In the literature review, the author cites fifteen reviewed journal articles. On the theoretical base, the psychological influence of the father’s presence is examined. The evidence used in this part are dated 2007 to 2011. The evidence on the emotional impact on the mother by the father’s presence is dated 2008. The literature review on this journal gives a comprehensive basis for conducting the study. In so doing, relevant pieces of evidence are presented. In additional, the hypothesis and rationale for the study are present (RosichMedina, 2007). Discussion of Methodology On the method section, the article outlines clearly how the research methods were designed. The study is contextual in nature, and phenomenological methods of data collection were used. The article also specifies the reason for the selection of private and provisional public hospitals. The researchers organized their research to form populations and samples fathers were divided into two groups of five where the first group included fathers from the private hospitals and had been present during labor. The second group had fathers from the provisional hospital and had not been present during labor. Tape recording devices were used in the gathering of the data during the interview of the two groups  of samples after assuring them that their anonymity would be maintained (Rosich-Medina, 2007). Quantitative research that has health care implications
Evidence Based Nursing and Research 2 Data Analysis The researchers collected data from a total of ten fathers, five who had their wives deliver in private hospitals in their presence and five who had their wives in provisional hospitals in their absence. Another interview followed the next day on of the mother’s post-partum period after suitable arrangements with respondents. Kerlinger’s methods of data analysis were used in the analysis of the data where the researcher and a qualified nursing researcher carried out an independent analysis of the transcript. Additionally, the researcher explains how they ensured credibility and trustworthiness of the data. Trustworthiness was observed during analysis by the use of the model of Lincoln and Guba Strydom. On the other hand, peer examination and member checking were used in the enhancement of credibility (Rosich-Medina, 2007). Researcher’s Conclusion The research reports the findings in a concise manner. A clear outline of both the positive and the negative results are clearly stated as found out found the research. Besides, the researcher brings to light that the study was based on a sample data from a larger population. The assumption of the research is that the findings of the investigation samples can be included to the larger community. However, the researcher has not limited further research on the topic (RosichMedina, 2007). 2. Critique whether the evidence presented in each section of the journal article supports the researcher’s conclusion. The evidence provided in different sections of the article supports the conclusions. For instance, the researcher makes a finding that the presence of the father during labor yielded positively by strengthening the bond between the mother, the child and the father. The conclusion can be supported by the data obtained on fathers who were present during labor of their wives through the feeling and experience they gained. Four out of five men helped their wives and expression they give shows that the bonds between them, the mother and the child were stronger for seeing all the pain that the mother had to go through (Rosich-Medina, 2007). Evidence Based Nursing and Research 3. Explain the protection of human subjects and cultural considerations of the journal article. The journal article has evidence of protection of human rights and cultural considerations. The researchers conduct research on two groups of fathers with a total of ten samples. In the interview process, the interviewers are made aware that the interview is going to be recorded for further analysis. The right to the kind of interview and purpose of the interview does not breach the human rights. Additionally, the identity of the interviewees is kept anonymous. Cultural considerations are also observed because a sample of the interviewed black fathers who were not present during the labor of the mothers attributed that as a taboo. They explained that that would be a taboo. At least three out of five men claimed that their cultures could not allow them to witness their wives delivering although there was nothing wrong with that. Therefore, cultural considerations also reveal in the research (Rosich-Medina, 2007). Quantitative research that has health care implications
4. Identify strengths and limitations of the study. The results indicated high reliability on the information obtained because there was a negligible statistical difference on the results. The research also controlled the occurrence of errors by … Quantitative research that has health care implications
Quantitative research that has health care implications