Religion, Culture, and Nursing Discussion

Religion, Culture, and Nursing Discussion

Religion, Culture, and Nursing Discussion

Read chapter 13 attached to files of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation once done select 2 between amish ;catholic, and buddhist religion.

1. Write a summary (700 words minimum) comparing and contrasting two spiritual or religious beliefs about sickness causation and health.

a. Include the potential benefits of understanding spirituality to both health care providers and patients.

b. What health issues may be better addressed by a nursing care staff with knowledge about religious diversity?

c. How will you accommodate prayer, meditation or spiritual focus in the clinical setting?

2. You must write two replies to 2 class peers in different paper that the assignment # 1 ( 250-300words ) sustained with the proper references and make sure that the references that you use in your assignment are properly quoted in it.


1. The assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font titled “Religion, Culture, and Nursing”

2. It will be checked by Turnitin to verify originality.

3. The references used in the assignment must be quoted in the assignment. If it is not in quoted it will be considered plagiarism.

4. A minimum of 3 evidence-based references besides the class textbook must be used and one of them must be from a gerontological nursing magazine.

If you have any questions you can contact me via email.

Due date: Friday, July 26, 2019 @ 11:59 Am Easter time


Dimensions of Religion

Religion is complex and multifaceted in both form and function. Religious faith and the institutions derived from that faith become a central focus in meeting the human needs of those who believe. The majority of faith traditions address the issues of illness and wellness, of disease and healing, of caring and curing (Ebersole, Hess, & Luggan, 2008; Fogel & Rivera, 2010; Leonard & Carlson, 2010). Religion, Culture, and Nursing Discussion

Religious Factors

Influencing Human Behavior First, it is necessary to identify specific religious factors that may influence human behavior. No single religious factor operates in isolation, but rather exists in combination with other religious factors and the person’s ethnic, racial, and cultural background. When religion and ethnicity combine to influence a person, the term ethnoreligion is sometimes used. Examples of ethnoreligious groups include the Amish, Russian Jews, Lebanese Muslims, Italian, Irish, or Polish Catholics, Tibetan Buddhists, American Samoan Mormons, and so forth. Faulkner and DeJong (1966) have proposed five major dimensions of religion in their classic work on the subject: experiential, ritualistic, ideologic, intellectual, and consequential.

Experiential Dimension The experiential dimension recognizes that all religions have expectations of members and that the religious person will at some point in life achieve direct knowledge of ultimate reality or will experience religious emotion. Every religion recognizes this subjective religious experience as a sign of religiosity.

Ritualistic Dimension The ritualistic dimension pertains to religious practices expected of the followers and may include worship, prayer, participation in sacraments, and fasting

Ideologic Dimension The ideologic dimension refers to the set of beliefs to which its followers must adhere in order to call themselves members. Commitment to the group or movement as a social process results, and members experience a sense of belonging or affiliation.

Intellectual Dimension The intellectual dimension refers to specific sets of beliefs or explanations or to the cognitive structuring of meaning. Members are expected to be informed about the basic tenets of the religion and to be familiar with sacred writings or scriptures. The intellectual and the ideologic are closely related because acceptance of a dimension presupposes knowledge of it.

Consequential Dimension The consequential dimension refers to religiously defined standards of conduct and to prescriptions that specify what followers’ attitudes and behaviors should be as a consequence of their religion. The consequential dimension governs people’s relationships with others.

Religious Dimensions in Relation to Health and Illness Obviously, each religious dimension has a different significance when related to matters of health and illness. Different religious cultures may emphasize one of the five dimensions to the relative exclusion of the others. Similarly, individuals may develop their own priorities related to the dimension of religion. This affects the nurse providing care to clients with different religious beliefs in several ways. First, it is the nurse’s role to determine from the client, or from significant others, the dimension or combinations of dimensions that are important so that the client and nurse can have mutual goals and priorities. Second, it is important to determine what a given member of a specific religious affiliation believes to be important. The only way to do this is to ask either the client or, if the client is unable to communicate this information personally, a close family member. Third, the nurse’s information must be accurate. Making assumptions about clients’ religious belief systems on the basis of their cultural, ethnic, or even religious affiliation is imprudent and may lead to erroneous inferences. The following case example illustrates the importance of verifying assumptions with the client. Observing that a patient was wearing a Star of David on a chain around his neck and had been accompanied by a rabbi upon admission, a nurse inquired whether he would like to order a kosher diet. The patient replied, “Oh, no. I’m a Christian. My father is a rabbi, and I know it would upset him to find out that I have converted. Even though I’m 40 years old, I hide it from him. This has been going on for 15 years now.” The key point in this anecdote is that the nurse validated an assumption with the patient before acting. Furthermore, not all Jewish persons follow a kosher diet nor wear a Star of David. Fourth, even when individuals identify with a particular religion, they may accept the “official” beliefs and practices in varying degrees. It is not the nurse’s role to judge the religious virtues of clients but rather to understand those aspects related to religion that are important to the client and family members. When religious beliefs are translated into practice, they may be manipulated by individuals in certain situations to serve particular ends; that is, traditional beliefs and practices are altered. Thus, it

is possible for a Jewish person to eat pork or for a Catholic to take contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. Although some find it necessary to label such occurrences as exceptional or accidental, such a point of view tends to ignore the fact that change can and does occur within individuals and within groups. Homogeneity among members of any religion cannot be assumed. Perhaps the individual once embraced the beliefs and practices of the religion but has since changed his or her views, or perhaps the individual never accepted the religious beliefs completely in the first place. It is important for the nurse to be open to variations in religious beliefs and practices and to allow for the possibility of change. Individual choices frequently arise from new situations, changing values and mores, and exposure to new ideas and beliefs. Few people live in total social isolation, surrounded by only those with similar religious backgrounds. Fifth, ideal norms of conduct and actual behavior are not necessarily the same. The nurse is frequently faced with the challenge of understanding and helping clients cope with conflicting norms. Sometimes conflicting norms are manifested by guilt or by efforts to minimize or rationalize inconsistencies. Sometimes norms are vaguely formulated and filled with discrepancies that allow for a variety of interpretations. In religions having a lay organization and structure, moral decision making may be left to the individual without the assistance of members of a church hierarchy. In religions having a clerical hierarchy, moral positions may be more clearly formulated and articulated for members. Individuals retain their right to choose regardless of official church-related guidelines, suggestions, or even religious laws; however, the individual who chooses to violate the norms may experience the consequences of that violation, including social ostracism, public removal from membership rolls, or other forms of censure.

Social ostracism is especially problematic for those clients experiencing mental illness (Fayard, Harding, Murdoch, & Brunt, 2007; Fogel & Rivera, 2010; Matthew, 2008; Yurkovich & Lattergrass, 2008). Religion, Culture, and Nursing Discussion