Resume & Nursing Portfolio

Resume & Nursing Portfolio


1. Cover letter and Application Letter

2. CV ( this is a resume, you can use any information)


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   Use the interview process to evaluate potential employment opportunities. Prepare an effective “Resume & Nursing Portfolio”. Summarize the employment process.  Knowing oneself ◦ The choice of the first nursing position deserves study. ◦ Consult an instructor, a job counselor, or a trusted nursing mentor for objective input. ◦ Review general interests, abilities, and strengths. ◦ Consider physical and emotional stamina. ◦ Consider energy level and responsibilities to others. ◦ Consider long-term goals. ◦ Manifest a philosophy of clinical care, emphasizing quality, safety, interdisciplinary collaboration, continuity of care, and professional accountability. ◦ Recognize the value of nurses’ expertise as it relates to clinical care quality and patient outcomes.
◦ Promote executive level nursing leadership. ◦ Empower nurses’ participation in clinical decision making and organization of clinical care systems. ◦ Demonstrate professional development support for nurses. ◦ Maintain clinical advancement programs that are based on education, certification, and advanced preparation. ◦ Create collaborative relationships among members of the health care team. ◦ Apply technologic advances in clinical care and information systems. ◦ Research potential employers by networking at school, community sites, and student nurse organizations. ◦ Explore websites of health care facilities; many have jobs posted and provide on-line applications. ◦ Question faculty, other nurses, employees, former employees, and alumni of one’s own school. ◦ Talk with nurses and other employees of potential institutions. ◦ Review employment sections of newspapers, job fairs, and the Internet. ◦ Listen to family members, neighbors, and friends who have been patients in facilities.  Cover letter ◦ Provides an opportunity to sell oneself and make the recruiter look forward to meeting an attractive candidate ◦ Reflects the nurse’s own style of writing—not copied from a book ◦ Should be a clean, direct, and perfect letter on a single page of heavyweight bond paper ◦ Addressed to a specific person ◦ Single-spaced and three to four paragraphs, skipping a line between paragraphs  Paragraph One: statement of purpose
 Paragraph Two: emphasizes writer’s suitability  Paragraph Three: requests an interview appointment and gives a range of dates ◦ Follow up by telephone 1 week later to make sure the letter was received. Be very courteous. ◦ Should compress education and employment history into an attractive, easy-to-read summary ◦ Three essential sections  Identifying information  Education  Work experience and employment history ◦ Optional information may include professional objectives, honors, achievements, and professional organization memberships. ◦ References do not need to be included but should be prepared and ready for presentation when requested. ◦ Produce the résumé neatly and inexpensively.   Allows nurse to showcase credentials Provides concrete examples of professional competence ◦ Supervisor evaluations from nonnursing positions ◦ Clinical evaluations ◦ Papers and other student projects ◦ Letters of recommendation ◦ Résumé ◦ Diploma ◦ Transcripts ◦ Honors, awards ◦ Evidence of professional community activities  Planning ahead  Self-talk  Rehearsal  Be informed of available positions and minimum qualifications.  Apply for available position for which he or she is qualified.  Be seriously and fairly considered.  Have an interview and be shown a job description.  Be informed of the benefits package.  See the nursing unit, and meet the manager if one is being seriously considered.  Be made aware of the orientation program.  Be given an expected time when a decision will be made.    Dress appropriately. ◦ Business-style clothing: neat dress, suit, or pant suit for women; tie and suit or sport coat for men ◦ Jeans and clothes that are too tight, short, or trendy are not acceptable.
◦ Facial makeup should be light; avoid fragrances. ◦ Avoid large, distracting jewelry. Arrive on time. Bring a résumé even if one has already been submitted.         What positions interest you? Tell me about your work history. How did you choose to apply for a job here? Do you want a full-time or a part-time position, and what shift are you looking for? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What would you do if…? Why should we hire you? What questions do you have? • The recruiter should inform applicants of basic human resource policies regarding job descriptions, compensation, benefits, and staff development.
• Examples of appropriate questions to ask: – – – – – – – – – May I see the job description? How many patients are on the unit? How many patients will I be responsible for? How long is the orientation program? How will my performance be evaluated? What will my salary be? What other benefits are there? What type of nursing is practiced (e.g., team, primary)? What will my schedule or shift be?  Assess the climate of the work environment. ◦ Is a tone of respect and pride used by the organization? ◦ In the hallways, do people acknowledge each other? ◦ Read in-house publications that are available to you.  Ask for a tour: ◦ Ask to meet the person who will be the immediate supervisor. ◦ Pay attention to the pace, staff interactions, and morale. ◦ Is the manager accessible to the staff? ◦ How do people seem to be getting along? ◦ Note bulletin boards and public displays of staff recognition. ◦ Opportunities for the applicant to meet with the staff may be offered.  Assessment tool for decision making ◦ Standards of nursing practice are evident and are integral to patient care. ◦ Nurse-patient ratio is adequate and is adjusted for patient acuity. ◦ Orientation is structured, individualized, and adequate for new graduates. ◦ Opportunities for horizontal transfer and advancement exist. ◦ Salary is competitive and reasonable.
◦ Benefits are competitive. ◦ Continuing education is available. ◦ A nurse administrator is responsible for delivery of nursing services.  Follow up ◦ Send a thank-you letter to the recruiter after the interview.  Demonstrates courtesy  Reminder of the applicant’s interest in receiving a timely response ◦ Avoid impulse decisions.  Do not feel pressured to accept a position while still unsure.  Offer to telephone the recruiter with an answer within an agreed-upon time.  Compare other job offers. ◦ Weigh options:  Does the position match the nurse’s qualifications?  What are the actual responsibilities of the job?  Does the position lead the nurse in the direction of projected career goals?  How will the work be compensated?   Determine qualifications: ◦ Meets the minimum requirements for the position? ◦ Suitable for contributing to the mission of the health care delivery system? ◦ Any evidence that the nurse is impaired in terms of providing safe nursing care  Incompetence or unprofessional conduct  Unreliability in attendance  Chemical dependency  Criminal activity Validate applications: Work history and references will be checked to ensure accuracy.  Preemployment physical examination ◦ Done at the employer’s expense ◦ Assures protection for patients ◦ Assures that the person can carry out the necessary physical responsibilities of the job ◦ Even after a job offer is made, start dates might be contingent on final screenings, reference checks, and résumé verification.   Preemployment skills testing: varies but may include a pharmacology test and clinical skills test Commitment ◦ Once the applicant has been selected, the agency has committed to costly training and orientation. ◦ A thorough selection process indicates a desirable employer for a committed professional.      When the job applicant is asked to identify weaknesses, one appropriate reply for the novice nurse might be: A. “I have no weaknesses.” B. “Are you trying to set me up?” C. “Delegating to peers.” D. “Caring requires weakness.”       When preparing a portfolio, the nurse should include (Select all that apply.) A. copies of diplomas awarded by colleges/universities. B. copies of college transcripts. C. a personal photograph, if not included with the application. D. letters of recognition for scoring high on national achievement tests while in nursing school. E. a copy of her voter’s registration card. … Resume & Nursing Portfolio
Resume & Nursing Portfolio