Safety Initiatives to Improve Quality Care Paper Discussion

Safety Initiatives to Improve Quality Care Paper

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or this assessment you were to: For this assessment, you will develop an 8-14 slide PowerPoint presentation with thorough speaker’s notes designed for a hypothetical in-service session related to the improvement plan you developed in Assessment 2. I did not see your speakers notes for your slides, did you complete them? This assessment required one patient safety focus that you would teach your colleagues about and unfortunately there was multiple topics that were discussed but the criterion were not met per the rubric


List clearly the purpose and goals of an in-service session for nurses.


Explain the need and process to improve safety outcomes related to a specific organizational issue.


Explain audience’s role in and importance of making the improvement plan successful.


Create resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative.


Communicate with nurses in a respectful and informative way that clearly presents expectations and solicits feedback on communication strategies for future improvement.


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Safety initiatives to improve quality care Canes Lebrun Jr Capella University NURS-FPX4020 Introduction ➢The most and overall significant aspect is the quality and safety improvement of the patient. ➢Nurses are geared towards ensuring the quality and the safety of the patients as well as theirs are given priority. ➢The aspect of the quality health seek to comprehensively improve the quality of life and sanitize the health sector as a whole (Wiig et al.,2018). ➢The safety of patient has been illustrated as prevention of any risk or harm to the patient with more strength pegged on the structure system in the care delivery. Resources safety initiatives ➢ Increase awareness ➢ Environmental modifications ➢ Teamwork ➢ Continuing education programs Factors that contribute to patient safety risks and quality care ➢ Incongruent EHRs ➢ Hand hygiene ➢ The Nurse patient ratios ➢ The right work environment ➢ Patient centered care ➢ Teamwork and collaboration ➢ Evidence based practice Incongruent in the EHRs ➢ The dissimilar which exists in the EHR systems cause the patients risk while receiving care. ➢ The health sector should embrace interventions through training to curb this incongruent in the EHRs ➢ If the nurses are given proper training on how to use every type of the EHRs this will improve the quality of the patient. ➢ The training or the in-service activities amount into health care improvement. Hand hygiene ➢ Health institution to embrace training to inculcate hand hygiene. ➢ The intervention of the hand hygiene should be for both the patient and the nurses to improve quality of the care services (Wiig et al.,2018). ➢ The hand hygiene reduces risks such as food poisoning, flu as well as the diseases infections which are transferable. ➢ It promote a safer environment for nurse staffs and the patients ➢ Deterrence of diarrhea and painful intestinal diseases. ➢ prevention of general eye infections. ➢ Obstruction of respiratory tract infections Cont… The Nurse patient ratios ➢ The health institution should advocate for better nursepatient ratio to escalate the improvement of the care delivery. ➢ The decreasing number of the patient which nurses should provide care to enhances the quality improvement of the care ➢ The culture of increasing staffing facilitates the improvement of the care quality. The right work environment ➢ Effective skills in communication process. ➢ The true element in collaboration in workforce. ➢ Effective in decision making that foster in improving patient quality of life as well as acknowledge contributions of the nurses (Sloane, D. M., Smith, H. L., McHugh, M. D., & Aiken, 2018).Safety Initiatives to Improve Quality Care Paper Discussion
➢ The effective process of staffing that suits the skill mix to patient needs. ➢ Genuine leadership where nurse leaders are committed to a healthy work environment and engage everyone. Patient-centered care ➢ The most significant element is to provide a platform of the patient centered care. ➢ The patient centered care is fostered to improve the quality outcome of the patient or affected population. ➢ With appropriate patient centered care we therefore achieve informed, shared decision making that improves the patient awareness as well as informing the selfleadership and preventive of unusual behaviors (Sloane, D. M., Smith, H. L., McHugh, M. D., & Aiken, 2018). ➢ The framework of patient centered care improves the patient’s knowledge to act on the information they have Team work and collaboration Evidence –based-practice ➢ The evidence must be ever used in clinical reasoning and decision making whenever possible. ➢ The improvement of quality must always incorporate strong evidence due to geographic differences(Sherwood, G., & Barnsteiner,2017).Safety Initiatives to Improve Quality Care Paper Discussion
➢ The essence of evidence based practice needs a appropriate due to continuously rising health care costs. ➢ The evidences if embraced they assist in improving the quality of life since the diversity of the patients need and tests depicts solid backgrounds. Solicitation of feedback ➢ To Provide health care centers with Proactive Live Chat ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Support which support patient’s information to be integrated To provide patients with Feedback on Live Chat Session. Provide Dedicated Feedback Forms on health organization website. To measure patients and nurses Service Performance. Call Your Customers Regularly. The Use Email Surveys For New patients. Scrutinize Social Channels References  Sherwood, G., & Barnsteiner, J. (Eds.). (2017). Quality and safety in nursing: A competency approach to improving outcomes. John Wiley & Sons.  Sloane, D. M., Smith, H. L., McHugh, M. D., & Aiken, L. H. (2018)Safety Initiatives to Improve Quality Care Paper Discussion
Effect of changes in hospital nursing resources on improvements in patient safety and quality of care. Medical care, 56(12), 10011008.  Joint Commission. (2018). 2018 national patient safety goals. Retrieved from spx  Wiig, S., Ree, E., Johannessen, T., Strømme, T., Storm, M., Aase, I., … & van de Bovenkamp, H. (2018). Improving quality and safety in nursing homes and home care: the study protocol of a mixed-methods research design to implement a leadership intervention. BMJ open, 8(3), e020933. .Safety Initiatives to Improve Quality Care Paper Discussion