Specific Ethical Dilemma Paper

 Specific Ethical Dilemma Paper


’m trying to study for my Nursing course and I need some help to understand this question.


specific ethical dilemma

1. provide a solution based on ethical principles.

2. Conclusion? Every paper you write needs to have a conclusion.

Running head: ETHICAL DILEMMA AT THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT Ethical Dilemma at the Emergency Department: Capella University Applying Ethical Principles November 1, 2020 1 ETHICAL DILEMMA AT THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 2 Identifying the Dilemma Health care professionals often find themselves in ethical dilemmas in executing their professional duties. A case study on the overuse of emergency services at county general hospital in Texas shows how the emergency department is used by many people repeatedly (Spikes, 2019). Also, the hospital has to provide health care services to many people hence overcrowding of the facility. The majority of the people receiving the services are not satisfied, putting pressure on the professionals’ side. Additionally, the hospital owner is in the dilemma of providing health services without making any profits to the Texas residents when the hospital faces many financial problems since it stopped receiving subsidies as it used to accept when it was county-owned. Overview of the Case Study Matt Losinski is the CEO of the county general hospital. He faces a challenge after reading an article that provided gloomy details about the emergency department’s overuse. He informs the financial officer who doesn’t treat the matter with the urgency it deserves to get the necessary information. According to Spikes (2019), the financial officer, Mary Scott, reminds him that Medicaid paid 75% of eligible emergency department users’ costs (Spikes, 2019). The cross-subsidy from privately insured and self–pay emergency department admissions covered most of the additional unpaid fees. Furthermore, the CEO, not justified by the financial officer’s statements, seeks to get details from the administrative resident tasked to gather data to identify the use rates for persons repeatedly admitted to the county General hospital’s emergency department. The report from the administrative resident proves that there were people who often used the emergency department. Still, it was not as extreme as earlier shown by the central Texas report. Another challenge of ETHICAL DILEMMA AT THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 3 missing details arose where clinical information that was important to run the hospital was missing. According to Spikes (2019), there was the problem of some payments that had not been sent to the hospital to ensure that services run smoothly. Moreover, there were problems with how the health facility was heavily crowded, treatment delays, and general dissatisfaction of patients because of increased admissions to the emergency department. Moreover, another big challenge arose when the CEO presented the data to his executive committee, including all vice presidents, the director of development, and the medical staff’s elected president. Contrary to his expectations, the executive committee member responded with different views rather than a consensus in providing a solution (Spikes, 2019). Additionally, the county general hospital’s release of funds was already limited, and there was no hope for any increased disbursement of funds in the future. Specific Ethical Dilemma Paper

Lack of an agreed solution led to the CEO asking his senior management team for recommendations to address emergency department overuse. Components of Ethical Decision Making Model Moral awareness is one of the three components of the ethical decision-making models. Moral awareness refers to the capability to notice and acknowledge the ethical issues of a person’s choice (Miller & Springer 2020). To recognize the ethical issue, they are aware that their actions may either benefit or harm other people. In the case study above, the hospital’s management does not professionally conduct themselves. For instance, after the CEO called the executive committee’s meeting, the committee did not even work towards getting a solution for the emergency department; instead, they just brought up different issues. The management failed to put into consideration how their actions would affect the patients and the facility itself. Additionally, they also failed to appreciate the financial position the hospital would find itself. Specific Ethical Dilemma Paper

ETHICAL DILEMMA AT THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 4 Moral judgment is another component of the ethical decision-making model. This component evaluates the correctness or incorrectness of an ethical issue. On this issue, the hospital management fails to manipulate their export activities with truth and fairness to show professionalism. Firstly, management has been unable to come up with solutions to address the problem at hand, but instead, they brought up different ideas that did not urgently address the matter. The management could not evaluate if the solution answered the question at hand since they could not come up with the solution. Ethical behavior is another component of the proper decision-making model. It refers to how moral agents should overcome any resistance and opposition to develop ideas to attain their goals (Özsoy & Ekici 2017). First of all, the county general hospital management failed in its professionalism since it could not overcome any resistance and develop strategies to deal with the problem. Additionally, the administration members did not even listen to each other, but instead, everyone gave their ideas, and little was done to deal with the matter at hand. Effectiveness of Communication Approaches in the Case Study Communication plays an essential role in any discussion to arrive at a solution. Communication is used to pass information, inspire, or persuade a person or a group of people (Liu& Manias 2016). Communication has consequences since a person is supposed to make a critical decision after effective communication. In the case study, the CEO asks his assistant to see him once she has finished reading the report; face-to-face communication is considered effective. It shows exactly how someone’s response would be concerning a particular subject. Through this, he noticed how indifferent Scott was concerning the matter and looked for other gathering strategies. When communicating to Aniysha Patel, he was a bit vague in his communication; he didn’t specify the kind of data for whichever period of time he needed from ETHICAL DILEMMA AT THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT Aniysha Patel. Moreover, this led to Aniysha gathering rather shallow data as compared to that from Central Texas. Resolving the Dilemma Using the Components of Ethical Decision Making Model (Nov 3, 7:45 PM You did not provide a solution based on ethical principles. To address the issues at hand, the hospital management should work to ensure better solutions are reached. Additionally, the executive committee should demonstrate professionalism in dealing with the issues at hand to get a solution that is agreeable to all of them. Also, the CEO of the county general hospital should be able to demonstrate better communication strategies to ensure sound decisions. For instance, he should be more persuasive and informative to ensure that the executive meeting is well informed to solve any problem. Moreover, the ethical decision-making models that include moral awareness, moral judgment, and ethical behavior should be adhered (Miller & Springer 2020). Specific Ethical Dilemma Paper

The most appropriate solution for the dilemma would be getting donors and well-wishers to support the facility financially. Additionally, the management should focus on increasing funds for the hospital through campaigns or registering for government support to deal with the dilemma’s financial problems. The four principles of ethics are autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. Autonomy is to honor patients’ right to make their own decisions. The fact that one resident has been seen in an ED many times for the past 4 years, concludes that the patient’s right to visit the hospital was honored. Beneficence is to help the patient advance his or her own good. According to the data gathered by Aniysha Patel, most admissions revealed that the cases were “worried well” cases. Nonmaleficence is to do no harm to a patient. They did not cause a hurry 5 ETHICAL DILEMMA AT THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 6 in treating patients, which resulted in crowding and treatment delays. Finally, justice is to be fair and treat like cases alike. This case of justice is also seen when the patients are treated equally, whether it’s a mild sickness or a major one. Conclusion? Every paper you write needs to have a conclusion. ETHICAL DILEMMA AT THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 7 References Liu, W., Gerdtz, M., & Manias, E. (2016). Creating opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and patient‐centred care: how nurses, doctors, pharmacists and patients use communication strategies when managing medications in an acute hospital setting. Journal of clinical nursing, 25(19-20), 2943-2957. Miller, B. J., & Springer, P. (2020). Ethics-Based Training for Clinicians: Moving Beyond Ethical Decision Making Models. Contemporary Family Therapy, 1-11. Özsoy, Z., & Ekici, D. (2017). Perception of Nurses Regarding Organizational Justice and Ethical Behavior; Organızational Culture in Hospitals. Hospital practices and research, 2(2), 41-46. Spikes Jr, C. L. (2019). Impact of Improving Emergency Department Wait Times for Better Patient Outcomes: A Case Study of Austin Texas Emergency Departments (Doctoral dissertation, Northcentral University). .. Specific Ethical Dilemma Paper