Technology Impact Statement for Assessment Paper

Technology Impact Statement for Assessment Paper

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have attached my assessment 1, 2 and rubrics for assessment 2. For assessment 1 I got 100. But unfortunately, I got this kind of feedback after I submit my assessment 2 for MSN-FP6109. For Assessment 2, Executive leaders agree with your previous assessment of educational technology needs and, as the next step, they have asked you to submit a technology impact statement. They would like to know how the prospective change in the use of existing educational technologies or the acquisition of new tools, technology, or upgrades will affect current nursing processes, staff performance, and patient outcomes. Please look at each section below for my comments and suggestions to add to your assessment.Technology Impact Statement for Assessment Paper

Unfortunately, what you have evaluated and recommended is testing ATI vs HESI and this isn’t meeting the technology needs assessment you are to conduct. The HESI/ATI argument would be good for a curriculum evaluation so save that work! Consider simulation and other technologies that are tangible, not testing services.

Till the 9th class of my MSN I never had any difficulty with any of my assessment and I was distinguishing all of those. I am in need of guidance to make corrections on my assessment 2. Please help me guide through this.Technology Impact Statement for Assessment Paper

Running head: Educational Technology Needs Assessment Educational Technology Needs Assessment Amrita Dawadi Capella University MSN-FP6109 July, 2020 1 Educational Technology Needs Assessment 2 Introduction The primary objective of the educational technology needs assessment is collection of relevant data and information for implementing recognized alterations in promoting the effective learning patterns (Jannetti, 2012). Nurse educators are accountable for evaluating and recognizing the gaps in knowledge as well as integrating the data and information assembled to verify the necessity and recognize the learning needs and outcomes (Dickerson, 2014). The goal of this assessment is to prioritize on a particular educational needs assessment and learn the effect of the formulated and implied alteration on the learning goals, needs, and outcomes. Current State, Technology, and Outcomes The passing rate for the first-time test takers from Tarleton State University (TSU) in 2019 Texas National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) is only 83.70% with 154 out of 184 students passing the board. In 2018, passing rate is 84.52% with 142 out of 168 students passing the board; in 2017, 76.92% with 130 out of 169 students passing; in 2016, 80.42% with 115 out of 143 students passing and in 2015, 90.91% with 100 out of 110 students passing the board (Texas Board of Nursing, 2020). The passing rate displayed by TSU is relatively low in comparison to the Texas Board of Nursing National Council Licensure Examination – RN (Registered Nurse) overall passing rates for the last 5 years as below: In 2019, pass rate of 94.39% with 6,271 students passing out of 6,644; in 2018, pass rate of 93.87% with 6106 students passing out of 6505; in 2017, pass rate of 87.04% with 4802 students passing out of 5517; in 2016, pass rate of 89.71% with 5133 students passing out of 5722 and in 2015, pass rate of 87.99% with 4683 students passing out of 5322 (Texas Board of Nursing, 2020). The chances of losing the accreditation status, trust, funding, grant, as well as enrollment is high if a nursing program at a college or university keeps upholding persistent lower NCLEX- Educational Technology Needs Assessment 3 RN examination passing scores. In addition, the lower student passing rates is visualized as directly proportional to the result, consequences, and efficiency of the nursing curriculum. The hidden facts in relation to the TSU passing rates incorporate whether the students originally came from transitioning associate degree programs or straight baccalaureate programs. Also, another hidden date includes the unrevealed number of repeat test-takers and their passing rates. Any college or university utilizes a specific testing program or tool to check the readiness of the nursing students for the NCLEX. The type of pre-testing tool TSU uses is known as the ATI, which stands for the Assessment Technology Institute’s comprehensive predictor exam. After the end of all the required nursing coursework and before the gradation and NCLEX this predictor exam which is comprehensive is used to assess the knowledge level and preparedness of the students for the NCLEX. As per the privacy policy of the university the performance scores of the ATI exam is not disclosed thereby, indicating a possibility of gap and insufficiency of the ATI exam by itself with respect to the preparation for the NCLEX. Research displays that some form of the standardized testing system has been universally used among the nursing curriculum and there has been a directly proportional relationship between the success in the standardized test with the first-time success in NCLEX (Reitz-Robinson, 2016). Some nursing college and universities have incorporated the standardized test not only at the end of the curriculum but also at some point during the midpoint of the curriculum with enough time allowed for the required remediation in the relevant sections. The only one exit standardized test at the end of the curriculum has shown to have very little time to prepare for remediation before the actual NCLEX. For the effectiveness of the ATI testing very few researches have been done to back up since it is less prevalent than other type of testing tool. It is difficult to come to any judgements Educational Technology Needs Assessment 4 about the effectiveness of ATI as a good predictor of success in NCLEX as there is very few data and information available to hold up the fact (Vandenhouten, 2008). In the contrary, there exists enormous information and data to back up the utilization of the standardized tests for the recognition of the sectors of the weakness to be corrected and knowledge gaps to be fulfilled to achieve success in the NCLEX (Grant, 2015). Standardized exams give the students opportunity to familiarize themselves with the format of the test structure similar to the NCLEX, relieves the amount of anxiety for the upcoming NCLEX, as well as builds the level of confidence for success. Standardized tests give the nursing college or university opportunity to view the details of the areas of weakness of the students and provide relevant useful resources as well as materials for remediation before NCLEX. The predictability of the success of the ATI test fluctuate as per different research and study but typically maintains below 90% (Jenkins, 2016). There is a necessity of additional data and information to judge the efficiency of the implemented ATI testing system in TSU. The unrevealed score ranges of the students in 2019 ATI test is a significant unknown factor without which no conclusions can be made to address the efficacy of the program. The desired modified alternative strategies that can be formulated and implemented to promote the quality of the data and information with respect to the NCLEX passing score of TSU is elaborated in the paragraphs below.Technology Impact Statement for Assessment Paper

Desired State and Outcomes The desired outcomes for the TSU nursing program would be to propose and implement an alteration in the current standardized tests to recognize the areas of hardships and weakness of the struggling students, recognize sectors of nursing curriculum that requires more development and understandings to promote student learning, as well as eventually upgrade the NCLEX success Educational Technology Needs Assessment 5 rates. As mentioned above success on the standardized test is directly proportional to the success on the NCLEX. In the specific scenario of TSU nursing students, the analysis methodology that might be best suited with respect to the level of familiarity and comfort level is the SWOT analysis that displays the possible opportunities, vitality, deficiencies, fragility, as well as threats. SWOT analysis stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The positive power of the nursing curriculum in TSU incorporates the lower proportional size of the student load, limited competition level during the process of admission, and the flexibility of partial curriculum that can be completed online. The shortcoming of the nursing curriculum in TSU incorporates the fewer proportion of students and thereby, the weak and poor sample sizes for evaluation of the data, fewer number of the nursing faculty, as well as lower passing rates for the NCLEX. The possible dangers of constant lower passing rates of NCLEX can extend from losing the accreditation to losing the overall program. The required advancement in opportunities in order to protect the accreditation and overall program status incorporates formulating and implementing alterations in the standardized testing pattern to a well-organized and evidence-based program with displayed better performance score in the NCLEX. Recommended Change The proposed suggested alteration to promote the passing scores of the NCLEX scores of TSU students is to modify the standardized test from the ATI to HESI, which stands for Health Educational System Inc.’s program.Technology Impact Statement for Assessment Paper

Also, a midline HESI can be added to the nursing curriculum to assess and recognize any sectors of hardships and weakness with enough room for remediation before final comprehensive HESI test. Studies display the fact that the minor and lesser assessment tests implemented during the overall nursing program duration yield greater understandings and Educational Technology Needs Assessment 6 level of learning satisfaction to the struggling students and thereby, produce a better passing rates for the final standardized test and eventually the NCLEX (Phelan, n.d.). Studies display that the colleges and universities which provides students with enough time and opportunities for remediation after the standardized test produce a greater passing rate in comparison to those institutions that do not (Sosa & Sethares, 2015). Remediation programs also foster the motivation of the students by providing an organized study pattern and strengthen the areas of the academic weakness. ATI and HESI are both standardized comprehensive tests administered to prepare nursing students for the NCLEX. They have a lot of similar characteristics with respect to the test patterns and content but HESI have been seen to be backed up through numerous studies and researches and display a greater validity and predictability of NCLEX success rate (Sosa & Sethares, 2015).Technology Impact Statement for Assessment Paper

Studies display that the comprehensive HESI test hold the NCLEX success predictability rate between 96.4% – 98.3% (Jenkins, 2016). Alignment with Strategic Mission of TSU The modification in the nursing program curriculum from ATI to HESI would definitely align with the mission statement of TSU which is to render an academically challenging education where learning is grounded in real-world experiences and effective teaching, research, scholarship, and service (Tarleton State University, 2020). This assessment tool strategy will support the mission statement of TSU by rendering motivation and courage to the nursing students with respect to the fulfillment of all the required knowledge gaps before the actual NCLEX thereby, enhancing the overall student as well as university outcomes of the nursing curriculum. Educational Technology Needs Assessment 7 References Dickerson, P. S. (2014). Needs assessment: Collecting the evidence. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 45(3), 104-105. DOI:10.3928/00220124-20140224-11 Grant, A. R. (2015). NCLEX-RN predictor test scores and NCLEX-RN success in first attempt test takers. Retrieved from Janetti, A. J. (2012). A guide to performing a needs assessment and a gap analysis. [PDF]. Retrieved from Jenkins, W. L. (2016). NCLEX-RN Success: Correlation study of ATI Comprehensive Predictor in an Associate degree nursing program. [PDF]. Retrieved from Phelan, J. HESI/ATI research summary. [PDF]. Retrieved from Reitz-Robinson. (2016).Technology Impact Statement for Assessment Paper

A predictive study of the ATI content mastery examinations scores and the NCLEX-RN outcome.

Retrieved from Sosa, M. & Sethares, K. A. (2015). An integrative review of the use and outcomes of HESI testing in baccalaureate nursing programs. Nursing Education Perspectives, 36(4), 237243. Tarleton State University. (2020). Review of Mission/Vision/Core Values. Retrieved from Educational Technology Needs Assessment 8 Texas Board of Nursing. (2020). Approved Texas Programs and NCLEX® Pass Rates: NCLEX® – RN Pass Rates of Last 5 yrs by Program. [PDF]. Retrieved from Vandenhouten, C. L. (2008). Predictors of success and failure on the NCLEX-RN for baccalaureate graduates. Retrieved from https://search-Technology Impact Statement for Assessment 7965 Running head: The Impact of Educational Technology The Impact of Educational Technology Amrita Dawadi Capella University MSN-FP6109 July, 2020 1 The Impact of Educational Technology 2 Introduction The purpose of this assessment is to support the educational technology needs assessment submitted in the previous assessment 1 as well as formulate and acknowledge a technology impact statement. This assessment will highlight on how the anticipated alteration in the utilization of the current educational standardized comprehensive testing strategy at Tarleton State University (TSU) will influence the existing educational learning processes, student performance, satisfaction, and educational outcomes. Any alteration in the designed course curriculum and testing pattern can either positively or negatively effect on how an educational institution operates to eventually achieve the desired quality of student satisfaction and academic excellence. Role of Nurse Educator in Formulating the Proposed Changes As a nurse educator it is very crucial to develop an understanding that any educational institution operates merely based on the trust, grant, funding, as well as accreditation status. The chances of losing these statuses becomes high if a specific nursing curriculum and testing strategy at an institution keeps running lower NCLEX passing scores. The pre-testing tool TSU uses is known as Assessment Technology Institute’s comprehensive predictor exam (ATI) which is administered at the end of all the nursing coursework. Studies show that specific types of standardized testing tools being utilized as part of the nursing curriculum has a direct co-relationship among the favorable outcomes in the pre-testing comprehensive test with the success in NCLEX for first-time (Reitz-Robinson, 2016).Technology Impact Statement for Assessment Paper

The ATI exam performance scores of TSU has not been displayed due to privacy policy which suggests a probable insufficiency of the administered ATI exam in to the development of its students for the NCLEX. Therefore, there is a strong necessity of application of alternative pre-testing tool measure that has the capability to incorporate the testing strategies not only at the termination of the course The Impact of Educational Technology 3 curriculum but also at midpoint along with sufficient time for the necessary remediation before the actual NCLEX. Impact of Proposed Changes on TSU The proposed change is the transition of the standardized test from ATI to HESI. HESI is a standardized test that stands for Health Educational System Inc.’s program which has the capability to identify the sectors of weakness for the struggling students, identify areas of nursing curriculum that needs more development, and eventually promote the NCLEX passing rates. HESI also offers an advantage of midline HESI test to identify and evaluate areas of difficulties and deficiencies with sufficient chances for remediation before final exit HESI test. Studies also supports the idea that facilitating the learners with sufficient time and chances for remediation after any pre-test program yields a better success rate than the tests which do not (Sosa & Sethares, 2015).Technology Impact Statement for Assessment Paper

HESI tests offers a remediation pattern that promotes the confidence of the learners with the provided organized study pattern and supports the sectors of academic weakness. Also, studies display that HESI has been supported through various evidence-based researches to have a stronger predictability and validity of the passing rates for the NCLEX with the success predictability scores rates ranging from 96.4% – 98.3% (Jenkins, 2016). Even though both ATI and HESI have the common objective of preparing learners for the NCLEX, they differ in how earnestly they are implied and evaluated, their degree of predictability, as well as reliability for the success in NCLEX. The standing benefit of HESI is being able to incorporate not only the final exit comprehensive test with 160 questions but also the midcurricular testing assessment tool along with the remediation content to improve content mastery. Research supports that mid-curricular tests along with adequate time for the remediation in The Impact of Educational Technology 4 relevant areas of weakness yield more success in the passing rate of NCLEX compared to only one exit standardized test (Sosa & Sethares, 2015). Also, research displays that HESI has an accuracy rate of 98.4% (Elsevier, 2020). With respect to the reporting capabilities, HESI provides opportunities for the educators to be able to audit and counsel the required remediation measures of the learners and monitor their progress. All these researches and proven data and information implies the fact that HESI provides a strong platform with the most reliable, predictable, accurate interactive remediation basis for both the educators and learners for a struggling nursing institution like TSU to march towards success in the NCLEX passing rates. Relevance of Proposed Change with TSU’s Mission, Vision, and Values Any amendments in educational technology alteration not only assist the student and learner’s accomplishment but also its pertinence to the objectives, mission, and growth of the institution. As discussed in assessment 1 the Texas National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) passing rate for the first-time test takers from TSU for the past five years has been relatively low in comparison to the overall passing rates for the Texas Board for last 5 years (Texas Board of Nursing, 2020).Technology Impact Statement for Assessment Paper

The modification of TSU’s nursing program curriculum from ATI to HESI would have a positive or parallel alignment with its strategic mission statement that is to provide an education pattern that is academically challenging where learning is grounded in real-world experiences and effective teaching, research, scholarship, and service (Tarleton State University, 2020). The mission statement of TSU is complimented by providing the support, confidence, and encouragement for the learners by fulfilling the gaps in their level of knowledge and areas of The Impact of Educational Technology 5 weakness before they encounter the NCLEX and therefore, promoting the satisfaction and outcomes of the students for the academic excellence. The Impact of Educational Technology 6 References Elsevier. (2020). HESI for nursing. Retrieved from Jenkins, W. L. (2016). NCLEX-RN Success: Correlation study of ATI Comprehensive Predictor in an Associate degree nursing program. [PDF]. Retrieved from Reitz-Robinson. (2016). A predictive study of the ATI content mastery examinations scores and the NCLEX-RN outcome. Retrieved from Sosa, M. & Sethares, K. A. (2015). An integrative review of the use and outcomes of HESI testing in baccalaureate nursing programs. Nursing Education Perspectives, 36(4), 237243. Tarleton State University. (2020). Review of Mission/Vision/Core Values. Retrieved from Texas Board of Nursing. (2020). Approved Texas Programs and NCLEX® Pass Rates: NCLEX® – RN Pass Rates of Last 5 yrs by Program. [PDF]. Retrieved from 7/28/2020 Vila Health: The Impact of Educational Technology Scoring Guide Vila Health: The Impact of Educat …Technology Impact Statement for Assessment Paper

Technology Impact Statement for Assessment Paper